大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 03/01

我见 我闻 我思
俄罗斯入侵乌克兰连打五天, 普丁未料遭遇到乌克兰人民之顽强抵抗, 并未在他预期内攻下首都, 乌方宣称已歼灭三千俄罗斯军人, 超过一百辆坦克车 ,数以百年计的装甲车和直升机, 但是战争仍然激烈进行中, 虽然双方同意进行和谈 ,但是这场战争可能已经改变了未来全球战略之格局。
我们要特别指出 ,為什広美国不愿意以地面步队或空军帮助乌克兰抵抗俄罗斯之入侵, 根据最新的民调, 美国人有百分之七十二以上之不愿意再捲入国外之战争, 二次大战之后从韩战、越战 、阿富汗、 中东各地之惨痛経验 ,多少美国子弟葬身海外 ,乌克兰是美国和北约要拉拢之国家 ,但是从地缘政治上它对美国不是非常重要的国家, 拜登总统考虑到和普丁对抗可能会引发第三次世界大战, 基於以上原因 ,包括所有北约及欧盟各国都不愿直接捲入这㘯战争。
遗憾的是 ,乌克兰这位从喜剧演员出道的总统, 只有自求多福了, 政治是非常现实的, 没有一个国家领导人愿意牺牲自己的核心利益。
乌克兰事件正在说明了美国对未来世界局势之方向, 这是个现实问题 ,拜登总统也只有这么做了。
Why We Don’t Send Troops To Ukraine
Russia invaded Ukraine over the last five days and because of the unexpected encounters and resistance of the Ukraine people, Russia did not capture the capital within their planned expectations. The Ukraine authorities claimed it had killed 3,000 Russian soldiers, destroyed more than 100 tanks and hundreds of armored vehicles and helicopters, even though both sides had agreed on a peace negotiation. But this war already has changed the pattern of world politics.
We would like to point out in particular why the United States is unwilling to send in troops to Ukraine to resist Russia.
According to the latest polls, more than 72% of Americans are unwilling to be involved in a foreign war. We learned from Korea,Vietnam and wars in Afghanistan and the Middle East where hundreds of thousands of Americans lost their lives.
Ukraine is not the most important country for the United States and President Biden really worries that a confrontation with Russia may trigger World War III. For those reasons, the United States and NATO are unwilling to get directly involved in the war.
Unfortunately, politics is very realistic. No leaders are willing to make sacrifices against their core interests.
When Mr. Zelensky took over power in Ukraine in 2019, as a former TV star, he never thought that where he was headed would turn into a global disaster.