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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 03/18

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 03/18



拜登总统认為俄罗斯总统普丁是一名战争罪犯 国际法庭的名战争罪犯调查员已经前往乌克兰进行调查 美国大使馆人士表示 对乌克兰原子能发电厂之攻击 就是战犯之行為

以美国為首的四十五个国家目前正在卯着全力在给俄罗斯施压 希望撃败他在乌克兰之侵犯行动

在西方之媒体正以排山倒海之宣传方式 报导俄军对平民医院民间设施之攻击 这是普丁被指认為战犯之最大証据

普丁可能不会因西方之指控而收手 不过他和美国之关係可能已经面临无法挽救的困境 只剩下两国正式断交了


在位於新墨西哥州西南大学的州际公路上 一名年仅十三岁的孩童驾驶小型货车高速中和一辆大型巴士对撞 包括六名高尓夫校队及三名教职员当场丧命 两名生还者尚在医院抢救中

我们要坦言 这种荒唐譲小孩玩大车的行径真令人痛心和不解 也许是我们的教育方式出了重大问题 父母对孩子们放任态度 形成孩子成吸毒 放荡不拘之坏行為 加上父母有钱溺爱子女 就让他去开车 於是造成大祸

九位丧生正值花样年华的年轻人 他们的家人真是伤心欲绝 一个小孩之任性造成大祸 说明家庭教育之重要性


当川时代在美墨边境因疫情立下的禁令即将结束时 预计将有十七万人会进入美国 其中二万五千人已经在美墨边境之帐蓬中等待多时 他们都是合法申报入境的新移民 国土安全部正在动员準备接待工作

正值俄乌交战时刻 超过三百万难民正涌进波兰及欧洲各国 许多人的首选当然是美国 拜登总统也承诺会接纳乌克兰难民 此时此地 华府诸公更要好好表现 不能难民们失望了

U.S. And Russia Have Turned Their Faces

President Biden said he believes that President Putin is a war criminal. A war criminal

investigator from the International Court of Justice has gone to Ukraine to investigate.

A U.S. diplomat said that the attack on an atomic power plant is a criminal act of war.

Forty-five countries led by the United States are currently making every effort to put pressure on Russia to cease his aggression on Ukraine. Western media are reporting the Russian army has attacked local hospitals and civilian buildings. Putin may not stop his action because of western accusations, but his country is facing a very difficult time.

Disaster caused by teen driver

On an interstate highway in New Mexico, a 13-year-old child drove a pickup truck and caused a head-on collision with a Southwestern University bus. Six golfers and three faculty members were killed. Two survivors were rescued and were still being treated at a local hospital.

We want to point out that the behavior of a child driving a big truck is really sad and puzzling. It also tells us that the major problem in our education system is the way our parents teach and spoil their kids so that they would let them drive a big truck which has now caused a tragic disaster.

Nine people, still in their golden age, all gone. Their loved ones and families are all really heartbroken.

Refugees are coming to our border

The Biden administration is preparing for a potential mass migration to the U.S. border. When the Trump era pandemic rule of law ends, more than 170,000 people may be coming to the U.S. border, while almost 25,000 migrants are already living in shelters in Mexico. The Department of Homeland Security has asked their personnel to volunteer at the Mexico border in response.

At this moment the war on Ukraine has caused more than three million refugees already pouring into Poland and other European countries. Many people’s first choice is to come to America. We can foresee that President Biden will begin to accept many refugees to come here to America.