美国新冠疫情日记4/6/2020 Monday 见到曙光了吗?

我们大家选择了美国,这块土地是我们落叶生根的国家,这是来自世界各地移民组成的大熔炉,我们必须以无比感恩之心情,在此艰难时刻共同贡献自己一份力量, 希望曙光已经在现了。
Light At The End Of The Tunnel?
A group of Chinese American civic associations lead by UCA president Haipei Shue and Dr. Pei Dr Helen Shih got together on an internet conference call to discuss how we can be of help to our community.
Today we are in a national emergency crisis. President Trump in his news conference tried to claim that the nation can see the light at the end of the tunnel. He wanted doctors to use Hydroxychloroquine on the patients to see if we can rescue them from the dead. The President said that for the time being this only medicine we can use.
Today we as all citizens of this great nation, and because we choose the U.S. as our country, we all need to try our best to help each other.
We came here from different corners of the world and we deeply appreciate the opportunity of liberty and freedom we have enjoyed here.
Now this is the time we need to give back. And we all hope the light of tunnel will come soon.