大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 03/21

多少年来, 我总是在三月下旬之早春踏上春意盎然的德州州际105 号和1155 间的蓝帽花之乡间小路 ,因為那𥚃隐藏着德州歷史最重要的一页。
早在一八三六年三月二日, 曾经在德州华盛顿签下了德州独立宣言并明定為德州首都 ,也是德州建国之开始。
今天在这个德州建国的遗址上, 设有徳州共和国博物馆, 第一任总统官邸, 大型农埸及德州发展之歷史古蹟。
时至今日, 徳州人还是活在以往的歷史光荣之中, 我们是除了阿拉斯加以外最大面积州 ,全州总產值排世界第八位, 而且盛產石油天然气,这次俄乌战争造成之能源短缺 ,给了德州赚大钱的机会。
今天我们沿着这条羊肠小径 ,穿过了时光隧道, 看见了部分已绽放的蓝帽花已经在大草原上添上艷丽的色彩 ,许多携家带眷的家庭们漾溢在欢笑之中。
德州人以坚韧不拔之精神开拓了这片最初荒芜的土地, 从墨西哥手中取得而继续拓展, 真是歷史上的曲折故事。
一架东方航空公司从昆明飞往广州之MU5735 波音737 型客机, 昨天下午在广西梧州市上空失联而坠毁, 一百二十三位乘客和九位机组人员可能已全遇难, 有关搜救人员正在努力抢救之中。
这是东方航空非常罕见的事故, 该公司一向保持有非常完美安全之飞航记录 ,不幸的是 ,这架飞机又是波音737 型客机, 这型飞机近年来坠机事件频传, 去年并且全面停飞复检 ,但不幸事件又再发生。
我们对遇难者表示由哀之哀悼, 但是波音公司必须协助调查失事原因, 為这型飞机频频出事做出解释。
Bluebonnets At Texas Historical Site
For many years we always set foot on the bluebonnet wildflower country road between Texas interstate highway 105 and 1155. In mid-March and early April the location hides very important pages of the history of Texas.
On March 2, 1836, the Texas Declaration of Independence was signed at Washington-on-the-Brazos, Texas, marking the “Birthplace of the Republic of Texas,” the founding of Texas, as well as one of its early capitals. Today, the historical site rests where Washington-on-the-Brazos once flourished and contains a reconstruction of the Independence Hall, the Star of the Republic Museum and Barrington Plantation home of the last President of the Texas Republic and we experience the 19th century where Texas became Texas.
Today Texans still live in the glory of the past. We are the largest state except Alaska that the GDP of states ranked eighth in the world. We produce oil and gas and many other natural resources.
Today we walked through the trail and saw the wild flowers and bluebonnets and saw many families and kids all running and full of laughter.
We are so glad we live in Texas and are very proud to be Texan. We are all looking forward to a brighter future.
China Eastern Airlines Crashed In Guangxi
A China Eastern Airlines MU5735 Boeing 727 passenger plane flying from Kunming to Guangzhou lost contact yesterday afternoon over Wuzhou City, Guangxi Province, and crashed. All 123 passengers and nine crew members may have been killed. Relevant search and rescue efforts are underway and personnel are working hard to locate any survivors.
This is a very rare accident for China Eastern Airlines. The company has always maintained a very perfect and safe flight record.
Unfortunately, this aircraft is another Being 737. This aircraft has had many problems lately. It has been grounded and reinspected, but the unfortunate incident has happened again.
We express our sincere condolences to the families of the victims, but Boeing must assist in the investigation and determine the cause of the crash and explain the frequent accidents with this type of aircraft.