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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0323

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0323


今晨因事前往久违的休斯敦市中心政府大楼聚集之地 我在週围几条街道都找不到停车位 最后在一条较远的街道上停进了收费停车场 当我停妥走出来时 我大吃一惊 转角整个大街的走道上都被流浪汉及无业游民佔领了 他们不但搭蓬成营 醉汉躺在街头 一些披髪散头的年轻人 其中有白人 黑人拉丁人向我乞讨 虽然我们已在新闻画面及许多报张上见过许多大城市游民及流浪汉佔领了许多区域大马路 但是 我今晨在休斯敦市中心陷入美国第三世界之真正实景真的还是第一次 当时 我也把口袋中仅有的十几元零钞分送给他们 但是我心中真是激起了无限的感慨

一个强盛富足的美国 真是走向衰退了吗 这批年富力强的青年 為何整日喝酒吸毒 不去工作 而靠乞讨為生 也不知道他们是无家可归, 或是被亲人遗弃 他们已经成為了社会寄生虫

多少年前我还记得第一次到达美丽而迷人的旧金山 在机场厕所裡猛然抬头看见一位身高六呎体壮如牛的清洁工 向我微笑致意 并露出洁白的牙齿 我的感觉是这位老兄对於打扫厕所之工作是心情愿决无怨言 何况职业是不分贵贱的

今天我们多少人赤走空拳来到新大陆 多少年来 我们也曾劳其筋骨 干过粗活 做过白领 但是我们从未抱怨 脚踏实地和这片土地共生共存

出生在这块土地上的美国年轻人 却不珍惜他们已经拥有的一切 更没有撑握着宝贵的黄金岁月 因而流落街头

我回头再看了他们几眼 真是感慨万千……

The Sad Song Of Our Society

This morning when I went to downtown Houston to visit my attorney I couldn’t find a parking space nearby. After I drove for several blocks, I parked in a parking lot which cost twenty dollars.

                                                                                                                                           After I parked and came out on the street, I saw many homeless people occupying the street corner. Some of them were young people with long hair and laying down in the street. It was really the first time I had come to the center of a homeless people’s camp. At that time, I also gave out some one dollar bills to them, but it really aroused a strong emotion in my heart.

We live in the richest and most prosperous nation in the world, so why don’t those young people go to work instead of making a living by begging?

I remembered many years ago when I first arrived in America and saw the beautiful city of San Francisco at the airport. When I went into the restroom, I met a very strong and  six-foot tall cleaning man who smiled at me and showed his white teeth. My feeling was that this guy was happy with what he was doing as a cleaner without any complaining. Because it is a job.

Many of us came to this country empty-handed. Over the years we worked with rough hard labor, a rough job, but we never complained about it. But today, many young people were born in this country so they don’t cherish everything they already have, so some of them just become homeless on the street.

When I looked back on the street at the homeless people, I felt very sad. Are we living in America?