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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0324

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0324


经过美南电视台同仁们多月来的筹备 第一届美南小记者播音培训班已在接受报名中 将从六月五日起给予华裔靑少年们播音和採访新闻的基本训练 据说报名情况非常热烈

训练班将由美南新闻各部门主管同仁以她们多年来之经验传授给华裔学子 他们在孩童时代就能感受到媒体力量对社会之极大影响

我们常听人说 在美国為数只有一百多万的犹太人 他们教导孩子们进入最重要的两大行业 一个是成為CBS 电视网之老总 另一行业是成為华尔街股市操盘手 换言之 媒体和金融是美国社会之命脉

华亚裔在移民美国之歷史已近一百多年 从早期排华和歧视移民之年代 一路走来 我们已经成為多元族裔重要的组成份子 但是 我们在主流媒体和华尔街能够攀上主管位子的还是為数甚少

我们非常感谢艺术家辛建老师 美南新闻总编盖军 电视主播王洁 电视制作麦可以及电视主持人陈铁梅小姐之努力筹措 这个训练班之成功是可预期的

我们也要在此奉劝家长们 孩子在学校之课程非常重要 但是 当他们要进名校和走出社会时 个人之处世及领导能力 语言之训练是绝不可缺乏的一环

非常兴奋美南新闻从即日起 担负起对华亚裔孩童们培训之工作 我们更希望他们将来是社会中坚领袖人物 我们在美国社会扬眉吐气

We Are Officially Launching Training Camp For Junior Reporters

After months of preparation by our STV colleagues, the first camp for junior reporters will be accepted for registration starting June 5th. Asian kids will be given basic training in broadcasting and interviewing news skills.

We often hear people say that the Jewish people in America always teach their kids in two professions. The idea is that one day the kid will grow up to become the president of CBS News. The other idea is that the kid will become a Wall Street executive because media and finance are the lifeblood of our society.

The history of Asian Chinese immigration to America has taken place for well over one hundred years. From the early era of the Chinese exclusion actions and discrimination against immigrants, today we now have became important components of a multi-ethnicity society. But still, very few of us can climb to the leadership positions in the mainstream media or on Wall Street.

We are very grateful to the artist Xin Jian, Editor-in-Chief Kai Jun, TV anchor Wang Zie, TV Host Tiemei Chan and producer Michael Ke for their efforts of organizing the camp to make it a big success.

We also want to advise all the parents that the children’s school curriculum score is very important, but their leadership and language training are indispensable.

We are very excited that Southern News Group has taken a giant step towards training our younger generation. We hope that they will be our leaders of tomorrow and the backbone of society in the future.