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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0402

大侠行天下日记  我见我闻我思 0402



随着5G 时代之来临 我们新建的美南环球剧坊全面啟动, 将是美南传媒走进一个新时代之开始。

首先是打开和主流媒体及国际外交文化之交流 我们将透过舞台上之巨大视频 ,邀请各国驻在休斯敦之外交代表总领事和华府高层对话, 并和他们国家之首长即时视讯交流, 為各国之总领馆出版国庆专刊, 促进和当地国之宣传和交往。

美南电视已聘请财经专家定时綫上綫下对话, 并和黎巴嫩 墨西哥、 菲律宾等社区报发行人, 协助他们把平面及电视社群媒体结合, 创建未来生存发展之空间。

美南小主持人训练营即将从六月五日起开学, 我们也正在筹备其他歌唱 钢琴、 小提琴等才艺训练班, 邀请最优秀的教师 透过电视大屏幕 為我们年轻下一代培养出才智双全的好青年, 培训课程将是我们今后非常重要的发展项目。

国际文化体育交流是当时全世界最流行的媒体项目, 诸如拳击大赛转播, 国际小姐选美大赛, 都是我们在积极筹办之中。

美南日报也将进行改版, 我们将加强每日社论专栏及侨社及地方新闻 并将在一稿二用之情况下让每晚之电视新闻更加充实。

社群媒体将加强人员负责编排 其中最主要的是美南新闻官网、 YouTube 脸书、 微信 将快简正确,资讯新闻即时更新。

目前,我们也在加州洛杉磯派驻特派记者, 定时报导加卅华人社区新闻, 加州和全球观眾可以下列方式接收我们的节目:


2 ITalkBB 订户请到地方电视台查美南新闻

3。到Google YouTube 中找 美南电视

4 app southern news group

5 休斯敦 地区请上 无线电视台15.3


Southern News Group Will Innovate Again

With the advent of the 5G era, our newly built Houston International Studio will be the beginning of a new era for our media business.

First of all, we will start to host diplomatic roundtables with local diplomats and have instant exchanges and talks around the world. And we will publish special news editions for various countries to celebrate their national days in our daily newspaper.

We also will invite many financial experts to host talk shows to discuss the current economies in several regions of the world. Many local ethnic communities, such as Lebanon, Mexico and the Philippines theaters can combine the newspaper articles and TV show programming together for their readers and viewers.

Southern TV Junior Host training camp will begin on June 5th. This year we are also preparing another talent training course, including singing, piano and violin instruction and more, and will invite the best instructors to cultivate our next generation.

International cultural and sport exchanges have been the most popular media events in the world, such as boxing and the Miss International Beauty Pageant which we are actively organizing.

There are so many ways you can watch all our shows. Just start by going to scdaily.com online and search for ITalkBB. You can also go to Google and YouTube online and search for our name, STV, then go to local Channel 15.3.

We will continue to make the effort to bring you all the current updates to serve everyone.