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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0405

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0405

溢美之词 感激在心


美南环球剧坊自上週正式啟动, 各方贺词鞭策之声不断,其中以休斯敦市议员古巴斯之恭贺状令我们倍感欣幸和感恩, 他在贺文中是这样写道:

休斯敦市政府感谢状 赠予美南环球剧坊李蔚华先生

休斯敦市政府推祟你对社区之卓越贡献 对人民之服务和社区商业之支持证明是最捧的, 有句名言说「人生之意义施比受会更有福」。

李先生, 你是社区的先驱领袖并得到许多人的爱戴,市政府為你感到骄傲, 并在此特殊日子裡, 向您致敬。



第三区市议员 麦可古巴斯

当我接受并细读了这份文告之后, 心中真是五味杂陈, 往事不断涌上心头。

回想当年第一次踏上这块土地时, 走在美丽迷人的旧金山山城, 我已下定决心要入这个陌生而充满梦想的土地, 我离开了这有如天堂的黄金州来到华人稀少遍地荒凉的大德州 我们和许多初到异域的移民 一切从头干起, 数十年来, 我们的艰辛奋战 把荒土变成了绿洲, 成為了这块宝地的主人翁, 这些成硕果绝非偶然。

歷史总是在时代的巨轮中不断前进, 我们要和许多年年軽朋友们共勉, 勇敢地面对未来 你们对社会社区之贡献, 将会被人牢记 唯有自立自强才会被人尊重。

Beautiful Words Gratitude In My Heart

The Houston International Studio has been officially launched this past week. There are continuous congratulatory messages from many supportive people. Among them, we are very grateful for the warm letter from Houston City Council Member Michael Kubosh.

The Certificate of Appreciation letter he wrote read as follows:

From The City of Houston, Presented To

Wea Lee, Houston International Studio

The City of Houston recognizes you for your superior contribution to the community. Your dedication to serve the people and your support of business in the community has proven to be the best. A famous quote,” We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” Mr. Lee, you are a champion in the community and so many love you.” 

The City of Houston is proud of you and salutes you on this special day.

In Witness Whereof, I have Hereunto Set my Hand on this 31st Day of March 2022.

Michael Kubosh

Houston City Council Member At-Large

When I accepted and read this message carefully, my heart was really mixed and the past kept pouring into my mind.

Looking back on the early 1970’s when I first set foot in the beautiful and charming city of San Francisco, I made up my mind to melt into this strange and wonderful dreamland. We left the Golden State and came to Texas where Asians are rare. Like any new foreign students, we had to start everything from scratch. And like many pioneers before us, our hard work has turned the raw land into an oasis and has become one of most successful business models in the nation. These achievements are not accidental.

History is always moving forward in the huge wheel of the time. We would like to remind all of the younger generation to continue our vision to serve your people and your community. Only by self-reliance and self-improvement will you be respected.