休斯顿宗教联盟会将于5月18日举办以“上海之夜”为主题的晚宴 为难民筹款

HOUSTON (April 15, 2022) – Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston and its Board Chair Charlene Chuang are hosting the annual For All Humanity event, benefiting Refugee Services and the other programs of IM. This year’s event will feature dinner,entertainment and inspirational messages with the theme of “An Evening in Shanghai”, at the Junior League of Houston on Wednesday, May 18.
The festive fundraiser honors the diversity of Houston and is chaired by Gina and Jarvis Cheung, May and Paul Chu, Cecil Fong, Lily Foster, Wea H. Lee, Gordon Quan and Bin Yu. The keynote speaker is Vican Sun, Owner of Viet Hoa International Foods. The program will be emceed by Miya Shay of ABC-13 Houston. Guests will enjoy entertainment from Dance of Asian America, The North America Youth Chinese Orchestra, and the Eastern Pearls Community Association. The theme is meant to celebrate the many accomplishments of Chinese Americans in our community.
Interfaith Ministries has been welcoming refugees from around the globe for more than 30 years. A refugee is someone who is fleeing their home country due to war, persecution or violence. To come to the United States, they must undergo a comprehensive vetting process involving multiple federal agencies. The U.S. State Department through IM’s national partner, Episcopal Migration Ministries, refers refugees to IM. Over 90% of the refugees resettled by IM are self-sufficient within six months of arrival.
The past few months have brought an unprecedented number of Afghan refugees to Houston, many of whom worked with American troops. The war in Ukraine may result in refugees from that country moving here, as well. “Houstonians have been very generous in welcoming these new neighbors,” shares Ali Al Sudani, IM Chief Programs Officer. “We are especially grateful to our lead eventsponsors Susan and Dan Boggio, Gina and Jarvis Cheung, Cindy Hu and Bin Yu, and Stephanie and Vican Sun.”
To purchase tickets to the event, contact Kyra Thomas at kthomas@imgh.org or visit https://www.imgh.org/events/fah/
A United Way agency, Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston (Interfaith Ministries) brings people of diverse faith traditions together for dialogue, collaboration and service, as a demonstration of our shared beliefs. Interfaith Ministriesprovides four main services: Meals on Wheels for Greater Houston and Galveston County which delivers more than 1.5 million meals each year to homebound seniors and people with disabilities across four counties; Refugee Services which, in conjunction with the U.S. State Department, resettles hundredsof refugees in Houston; Interfaith Relations and Community Partnerships, which provides community services fostering understanding, respect and engagement among Houstonians of all faiths; Volunteer Houston, which connects volunteers in transformative projects with area nonprofits; and Serve Houston, a leadership and service learning experience for college students. For more information, visit https://www.imgh.org/.