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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0423

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0423



美国的房地產利率今天再创十年来的新高 上週三十年定期贷款利率是百分之五点一一 连续七个星期一路上升 去年此时的利率只有百分之二点九七 几乎上涨了一倍

当春天来临时 是房產交易最繁忙之季节 但是利率之上涨造成了许多影响 但是由于房屋之供不应求 仍然是卖方市塲 但是出售数字已经在下降之中 由于申请贷款比去年同一时期增加了百分之四十 许多人都无法符合条件

虽然联邦储蓄银行不是制定房屋利率之机构 但是 它将继续升息以遏阻通货膨胀之不利情势

今日在欧洲之俄鸟大战及许多国家及地区仍然遭受疫情之挑战 全世界之财富仍然向美国集中许多大小公司及个人有许多现金 能够保值之投资仍然以地產為优先

週末华尔街股市再度重挫 中国政府宣佈将帮助上海地区之部份企业重啟生產线 上海之疫情防治工作已経影响到全球供应鍊 政府要求工人需住进工厂及办公室 这是件非常艰难之任务

Interest Rate Rises Again

The mortgage rate has continued to rise again, having now reached the highest level in more than a decade.

At the end of April 21st, the 30-year fixed rate reached 5.11% , up 5% from a week ago. Last year at this time the rate was 2.97%. The last time rates reached this high was in April 2010.

With the cost of financing a house being about 40% higher than a year ago, demand for housing is visibly cooling as many first-time buyers are unable to qualify for the loans.

The Federal Reserve Bank is actually not the entity that sets the interest rate, but its actions strongly influence it indirectly.

The Fed is expected to raise the rate again sometime next month.

The Wall Street stock market fell again this weekend. The Chinese government announced that it would help some enterprises in Shanghai resume their production lines. 

The Shanghai’s situation has really affected the global economy and the global supply chain.

We don’t want to see the world’s economy face big challenges unless the big powers are willing to come to agreement and cooperation.