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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0428

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0428



全球首富马斯克以四百四十亿天价收购推特成為大股东并计划将推特下市对推特之股值是每股五十四点二美元 这项交易得到董事会大多数同意

这是全美媒体交易史上最大的一 也说明富人在富可敌国之后 要进军媒体来显示他们在社会上之重要地位

马斯克高举绝对言论自由之主张 可能是重写美国新闻自由之新页 当川普被推特撤销账号时 因為他的言论过份宣染和煽动 如果马斯克能撒除禁令 让前总统重返推特 将是件大事 不过川普表示他无意重返推特发声


这位财大气粗的富豪新贵 出生在南非 在加拿大长大后来归化為美国人, 目前他是全球电动车老大 还主持上天空计划及人造卫星等巨大企业如今更跨足媒体 尤其是社群媒体更使他无处不在

老实说 今天的美国其财富及政経关係是操縦在极少数人心中 马斯克就是非常明显之例子 他因富可敌国 呼风唤雨 操作舆论 是祸是福 实在难予预测

Money Can Buy Media Power

Elon Musk spent $44 billion dollars to buy Twitter. He has said he wants to take the company private and promote more free speech on the platform.

Musk’s Tesla shareholders who don’t get to vote on the Twitter acquisition appear to not agree on Musk’s acquisition. They are more concerned that he is using Tesla as collateral for bank loans and worried about the risk that overseeing Twitter could distract him from the auto business.

To be honest, today America’s wealth and political power are in a very few people’s hands. Musk is a very obvious example. Because he is extremely rich, he can buy anything he wants, including the media business.

Musk said he really wants freedom of speech for everyone, but when the poor people are in the struggle, what does free speech mean for them?

We are so worried that the world will still be in a few people’s hands. Some politicians need to listen to them because they have many big donors behind them.

Musk was born in South Africa, grew up in Canada and later became a U. S. citizen. His success story and his big venture into the media business could be a challenge for the world in many ways.

We all hope that Twitter can be improved and continue to serve our society for the cause of good.