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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0502

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0502


最新的民调显示 拜登总统之支持率是百分之四十二 只有百分之三十八的选民支持他的经济政策 但是有百分之六十八的人否定他在通物膨胀之表现 虽然总统在面对美国近年来最严重的物价上涨之情况採取了释出能源储存 加强码头疏散 但是这些行动影响有限

虽然期中选举為时尚远 目前拜登总统面对之乌克兰战争 物价指数及继续蔓延的新冠病毒等三大问题无法解决 民主党在全国选举中必败无疑

我们看到许多目前政坛怪象 德州州长下令把一整车的边境难民送往华盛顿特区 表达对拜登政府对非法移民之不满 虽然是一场选举政治表演 但是也正说明非法移民和难民之严重性 许多要追求自由生活的难民成為了道具

眾议院议长佩洛西率领的代表团已経在乌克兰会晤了泽连斯基并誓言支持他到战胜俄罗斯之侵入之止 美国防长及国务卿也曾到访 这塲已经造成五百五十万难民及死伤无数的战争 没有停止之跡象 如果打普丁逼入绝境 可能会有核战之危险

我们试问 这些世界领袖要把我们这些无辜百姓带往何处 歷史可能会再度重演 太多国家手中握有核武 我们决不愿看到那些為了私慾无耻之政客去陪葬

The Democratic Party Is Facing Challenges In The Coming Election

The latest polls show that President Biden’s approval rating is 42%. Only 38% of voters support his economic policy, but 68% deny his performance on inflation. Although the president has released U.S. oil reserves, oil prices and the consumer price index is the worst in recent history.

Although the mid-term election will be held in November this year, the Biden administration is facing three major problems including the Ukrainian war, rising prices and Covid-19 which continues and has not been solved.

We saw that the governor of Texas Greg Abbott sent a truckload of refugees and immigrants to Washington, D.C. to express his unhappiness with Biden’s immigration policy. Many refugees who just wanted to come to America for a better life have become political toys.

A delegation led by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has met with President Zelensky in Ukraine and vowed to support him until the end of the Russian invasion. The U.S. Secretary of State and Defense also visited the war zone. We don’t see any sign of peace in Ukraine, but more than 5.5 million refugees have left their homes.

Let’s ask all these politicians where they want us to go now. Many innocent

people are suffering because of  their selfish desires. We do not want to see this war become a nuclear war that will destroy all of us.