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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0509

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0509


加拿大总理杜鲁道週日亲访乌克兰首都基辅并宣佈将立即重啟驻乌克兰大使馆并向泽伦斯基保证提供更多军事援助其中包括空拍机 卫星图像及武器弹药 他指责普丁要对令人髪指之行為负责

七大工业国今天同时召开会议 并在共同声明中表示将逐步降低对俄罗斯之能源依赖 并抨击普丁无端侵略东欧隣国,让俄罗斯及其人民的牺牲蒙羞 声明中谴责俄罗斯己违反以规则為準之国际秩序尤其是二战后為免后世子孙遭受战争而制定的联合国宪章

在此同时 匈牙利总理奥班表示 他无法接受对俄罗斯之石油禁运 这无疑是对匈牙利経济投下了一颗原子弹

拜登总统今天在七国高峯视讯会议上也和泽伦斯基同台 重新保证对乌克兰在军事和経济上的援助 第一夫人今天也前往乌克兰访问当地之难民营并和乌克兰第一夫人奥理纳见面

乌克兰战争至今己超过两个月 俄罗斯对乌克兰之入侵目前是处於胶着状态 由美国及北约等西方国家决心帮助乌克兰守住国土 这是普丁始料未及之事

从目前战况来看 未来世界必然会有重大改变 俄罗斯决不会在経济及武力之制裁下轻易屈服 这场战争要如何结束 似乎无法预测

全球化之时代已经一去不復返 政客们為了追求权位 不惜牺牲人民生命和财產 战争没有赢家

Trudeau Visits Kyiv

Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau went to visit Kyiv the capital city of Ukraine. In a joint news conference, he announced the reopening of the Canadian Embassy in Kyiv.

Trudeau also announced more military assistance for Ukraine, including drone cameras, satellite imagery and small arms and ammunition.

Following the G7 virtual meeting today with Ukraine, President Zelensky and the other leaders released a statement condemning Russia’s actions and underscoring their commitment to helping Ukraine. The announcement comes hours after U.S. First Lady Jill Biden traveled to Ukraine to meet with Olena Zelensky, the First Lady of Ukraine.

Beside the commitment by G7 to boycott Russian oil, the Biden administration will sanction three Russian TV stations. The White House also will prohibit individuals in the U.S. from providing accounting, trust and corporate information and management consulting services to any person in Russia. At the same time, the Hungarian government said they could not accept the oil embargo on Russia which “undoubtedly would drop an economic atomic bomb on Hungary’s economy.”

Judging from the current situation, there will be major changes in the world in the future. Russia will not easily give up on military and economic sanctions. It seems unpredictable how this war will end.

The era of globalization days in the world is gone. When politicians sacrifice their people’s lives in pursuit of power, there is no winner in the war.