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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0513

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0513


拜登政府头痛的事情又添一椿全国各比持续数月的奶粉荒仍然得不到解决方案 白宫表示美国食品药物管理局正在夜以继日地应对奶粉短缺的危机

根据市场调查4月上旬起全美各地缺货率已达到百分之四十 目前所有超市已経採取限量购买措施

其中一家製造工厂Similac 因污染问题被政府关闭更使短缺问题严重 由于消息传出之后 家长争先恐后抢购更加大了缺货之严重性

共和党人今天呼吁白宫必须出面立即解决全国性危机 从电视昼面上看到边境治安人员正在向非法入境者发放乳粉 这更使许多家长大声斥责政府之行為

老实说 拜登政府面对之困难实在多如牛毛 就连婴儿奶粉都缺乏 加上油价 食品 建材 日常用品都在大幅上涨 全国各大城市之免费食品银行排队等候的人不断增加 真是令人痛心和愤怒

我们通过天文数字之援外计划 把大批银子及军援送到世界各地 而国内如此多需要帮助的国民 视而不闻 其中大半是贫穷大眾

民主党执政以来 许多施政荒腔走板 真正之中小微企业得到之帮忙少之又少 可以说根本没有 这些人在今年底之选举中 肯定不会再选民主党

Baby Formula Shortage?

America’s Baby Formula Shortage Has Gone From Shortage To A National Crisis.

In many states now, more than one-half of all baby formula has been sold out. In stores nationwide, 40 percent of all baby formula is out of stock. As parents start to stockpile the products, retailers have all moved to limit purchases.

After the recent deaths of two infants from a rare infection, the FDA investigated Abbott, a major producer of infant formula and discovered traces of a pathogen in a Michigan plant. In the meantime, the pandemic has snarled the supply chain and also affected  supplies for the stores.

Republicans today called on the White House to come forward to solve the national crisis immediately. To be honest, the Biden administration is facing so many difficulties right now, including the price of oil, food prices, building materials and daily necessities which are all rising sharply. The number of people waiting in long lines at food banks in major cities across the nation is constantly increasing. It is very sad and makes us angry.

We are sending huge amounts of aid overseas, but we still can’t help all of our own poor people. Since the Democratic Party came to power, a lot of micro and small businesses still can’t get help for their very survival.