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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0517

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0517


上週在纽约水牛城发生的种族歧视兇杀事件 正在全国引起极大之反响 十张无辜面孔讲述了令人心碎的故事

在这个自由之国家每个人都拥有枪支之自由和权利 三亿多美国人可谓人手一枪 保守派认為这是宪法保障和保护自己安全之基本权利 许多政客更是出面极力為他们辩护 这也是造成我们枪枝氾滥的重要原因

贫富不均社会矛盾不断激化 学校教育失败 许多年靑人存在着激端思想加入白人主义及反亚裔犹太人之行列 他们认為白人统治已受威胁 因而挺而走险 做出令人愤恨之兇残行动

世界情势动盪不安 物价飞涨 政府束手无策 年青人感到无奈前途暗淡 人生没有正确目标因而误入歧途

拜登总统及纽约州政府对此不幸事件已经拨款恊助家属处理后事 但是对这次确定是种族歧视之行兇事件仍然找不到解决之方案

            Our Society Is Really Sick Now

Last week in Buffalo, New York's horrible attack by an18-year-old white gunman that  left ten people dead was a racially motivated hate crime. The young man described himself as a fascist anti-semite.   Ten innocent faces tell a heartbreaking story.

Today our social contradiction between rich and poor continues to intensify. School education is failing. Some young white men believe that the white rules have been threatened and they need to come out to be a protector.

Another very important reason is that in this country everyone has the right and freedom to own a gun and protect themselves. This is our constitutional right. Many conservative politicians have come forward to defend them vigorously. That is why we flood our communities with guns.

The current world situation is turbulent. Prices are soaring. Young people are feeling helpless and the future is bleak. Life has no right direction or purpose.

New York State is helping these victims financially, but the pain of our community will not go away.

We are urging President Biden to take more effective measures to call a national grassroots meeting to solve how we can prevent such a tragedy from ever happening again.