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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0525

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0525


又是一名十八岁少年沙尓瓦多勒猛週二中午在德州圣安东尼附近优道市的小学开枪射杀了19名学生和2位老所师 优道学区主管表示 兇嫌已被击毙 这是二O一八年二月份佛罗里达州道各拉斯高中十七名学生被杀后最重大的一次伤亡

优道市小学从二年级到四年级共有五百三十五名小学生 百分之九十以上是贫困的拉丁裔学生

拜登总统已経命令全国降半旗致哀 并将在稍后向全国发表谈话

今午在参议院大会上炸了锅 来自康乃底克州参议员墨菲非常愤怒地指出 刚刚在水牛城发生的种族歧视谋杀事件今天又有十八岁青年屠杀了19名无辜小学生 我们是在这裡做什麼 这种惨剧只有发生在美国 他责问参院同僚 我们到低在参院干嘛

老实说 今天之事件已经再次说明国家进入非常严重的治安危机 这些枪杀事件有如瘟疫蔓延一般在全国不断地发生 我们的社会真的生病了

我们首先要指出 枪支氾滥是罪魁祸首 人人有枪而且随手可得 这些枪支许多都落入精神病及不法分子之手中 他们行兇暴行令人髪指,每年上万名眾成為无辜之牺牲者

当前我们疫情未退 通货膨胀油价飞涨 人民生活痛苦指数上升 政府要面对之问题真是多如牛毛 而治安之败坏是国家道德层面之堕落 国民教育之失败

不管总统如何苦口婆心 如果在华府主政之国会诸位不採取有效措施 这股戮杀之风是不会削减的

 Another Tragedy Happens Again

Two days before the start of summer, a 19-year-old young man opened fire at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, on Tuesday killing 14 students and one teacher. Local police said there also were multiple injuries including the mass casualties. 

U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona issued a statement saying, 
that my heart is aching for all the families in Uvalde, Texas, who are living through every parent’s greatest fear and worst nightmare—a shooting in their children’s school. We must be united as a country against this senseless cycle of violence and act immediately to protect our children and make sure that every child and every educator feels safe in our schools.

In the U.S. Senate today senators were furious on the floor over the elementary school shooting and repeatedly questioned, 
What are we doing ?! Our kids are living in fear. We do nothing. Why are you here if not to solve these problems? It only happens in this country!

Former President Obama said, 
Our country is paralyzed not by fear, but by a gun lobby and political party.

President Biden addressed the nation saying that, “ I am sick and tired of it! ”Why are we willing to live with this carnage? Why do we keep letting this happen? Where in God’s name is our backbone to have the courage to deal with and stand up to the lobbyists?

Today our nation is really facing serious challenges in all areas. We have to make it clear to all politicians that in this country it’s time to act now!

This is another massacre. We need to call on everybody to pray for the victims and stand up against the gun lobby

We urge the White House to call an urgent national meeting and invite community leaders to discuss this tragic crisis.