美国新冠疫情日记 04/10/2020 人间处处有爱心

近月来因新冠疫情肆虐,包括我们居住的美洲大陆在内几乎全球近二百个国家都处於水深火热之煎熬之中,这真是全人类面临的一场浩劫。今天在世界政治舞台上包括世界卫生组织在内的政客们正在為病毒起源何地,疫情预警错误,控告疫情发源国等是是非非 每天在全球媒体上吵得不可开交,这对於一般為生存而陷入恐慌之市井小民有何益处?
Businesses Are Closed But Our Hearts Are Open
For the last couple of months, like a monster, the Coronavirus has attacked the United States and the world causing billions of people to suffer from its damage that has never been seen before.
But when you watch on television and other news media, we still have the leaders of many countries arguing about who is to blame for the virus? WHO and the White House have now attacked each other. While we may not understand all the argument for the blame and how this will benefit citizens, small business men and women have already suffered and have closed their doors.
Today most countries have already shut down. Last week in the U.S. we had more than 7 million people file claims for unemployment. The lines at the food banks are getting longer and kids are staying home with their parents who are not getting a paycheck. How can they even survive? Suddenly, we feel like we are living in a third world country and not in the number one super power in the world.
In the meantime, we’ve seen millions of selfless volunteers who have gone to different cities including New York to help in the community centers. They are still feeding the many hungry every day now. Amateur musicians sing loudly at nearby senior homes and on the streets in an effort to comfort the lonely seniors.
Even though we are facing serious social and economic challenges, our Great Nation with its great citizens will definitely overcome and prevail.
God bless America.