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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0527

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0527


美国来福步枪协会是美国非营利民权组织 也是个典型之利益团体 根据美国宪法第二修正案认為持有枪支用作自我防卫是每个美国公民应该亨受的公民权利 号称有五百万会员 虽然是非党派非营利组织 但是它确积极参加政治活动并且具有巨大之影响力

步枪协会是美国限枪运动之主要反对者 在六十年代枪支氾滥严重 美国政府在各方压力不得不立法管制枪械 从那时候开始 该协会从一个普通枪支爱好者协会变成了世界上最大的反枪支管制团体 更是美国最有影响力的游说组织

週末在休斯敦之年会 正逢是伊瓦利小学二十一位师生被屠杀事件之后 全国民眾都愤慨於青少年携带枪支行兇 协会之立论基础是好人持枪防卫自己 坯人才拿枪去犯案

週末年会将邀前总统川普及德州州长艾伯特為主要贵宾出席演说 预料反对者也会随影而行 民主党籍的市长特纳表示 虽然许多人建议把年会取消 但是我们依法无据 但希望不要有大的冲突出现

华府议会殿堂正在热烈讨论限枪法案 但是许多参眾议员和步枪协会有着千丝万缕的金钱关係 更会影响到选区内之选票

十一月期中选举即将到来 如果目前之民生经济及国内外纷争无法得到有效之改善 民主党可能失去参眾院多数地位 今后不但政府预算法案难以通过 控枪法案更是免谈了

NRA Convention In Houston, Texas

The National Rifle Association’s annual convention will be held in Houston, Texas, this weekend.

The gathering is slated to begin today at the George R. Brown Convention Center and will run through the weekend. The event has come under intense scrutiny recently following the killing of 19 school children and two teachers in Uvalde, Texas, by a gunman armed with a rifle.

The convention is expecting around 80,000 people to attend. Police Chief Troy Finner said, 
 You will see officers everywhere. We will respect everybody’s right to protest and we will respect their concerns and their voices. But we will not tolerate people assaulting other individuals.

The NRA convention has drawn significant negative attention following the deadly school shooting in Uvalde. Houston Mayor Turner said that the contract to host the convention has been booked for two years and that canceling it would have exposed the city to civil liability. Former President Donald Trump and Texas Governor Gregg Abbott will be keynote speakers at the convention.

Today there are many political issues facing many elected officials in Washington, D.C. Many members of Congress are backed by the NRA, not only with votes, but also with donations to their campaigns.

This is a very tough time. How can we control the guns in our community? We must tell our elected officials that if we don’t take action now, many tragedies will continue to happen.