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社评 0604 中国国民党主席朱立伦访美

社评 0604 中国国民党主席朱立伦访美


由国民党主席朱立伦率领之代表团今午抵达旧金山展开十一天之访美行程 朱主席表示 此行之目的是為国民党驻美代表处揭牌 也将拜会美国政界学界国会该见到的朋友都会见

朱立伦曾经於二O一五年十一月份以国民党总统候选人身份访问过华府 也曾会见过时任副国务卿的布林肯 他曾任行政院副院长及新北市长等要职

今天国民党在台湾之地位已今非昔比 在执政之民进党压力下 党產及所属民间机构几乎全被清算归零 加上政府执行去中国化之教育政策 仇中反中而使台湾和中国大陆关係全面恶化 台湾海峡成為世界局势之焦点

朱立伦再次当选国民党主席 也是第二次回锅 民进党执政已经近六年之久 依照目前之政治气氛来看国民党在二 o 二四年总统大选中必须加倍努力 否则重返执政之路将很艰难

中美两大国面临之错综复杂关係 台湾问题势必是双方博奕的盘棋 我们身在海外的千千万万华人 决不愿看到海峡两岸兵戎相见 把数十年之建设毁於一旦 哪真是民族之罪人 也是世界之灾难 希望大家要以最大耐心和智慧 来维护世界和人类之和平

KMT Chairman Chu Lilun Visits The United States

A delegation led by the Kuomintang Party arrived in San Francisco to start an 11-day visit to the United States. Chairman Chu said the purpose of the trip is to unveil the KMT office in Washington, D.C. He also will visit with U.S. politicians, academics and friends in the U.S. Congress.

Chu visited Washington as the KMT presidential candidate in November 2005. He also met with Blinken, then the Deputy Secretary of State. He also served as Deputy Prime Minister and Mayor of New Taipei City.

Today the status of the KMT in Taiwan is not what it used to be. Under the pressure of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party almost all the party’s property and non-government institutions have been liquidated and returned to zero. In addition, the government implements an education policy of de-Chinese inaction. The hatred of China has completely worsened the relationship between Mainland China and Taiwan. The Taiwan Strait has become one of the hottest political and military hotspots in the world.

Chu was re-elected as the chairman of the 
Kuomintang for the second time. The Democratic progressive party has now been in power for nearly six years. In the current political atmosphere, KMT must redouble its effort in the coming 2024 presidential election, or otherwise, it will be difficult to return to power.

The Taiwan issue involves the intricate relationship between the United States and China. Tens of millions of Chinese living overseas will never want to see a war in the Taiwan Strait. That will destroy the country and would be a disaster for the whole world.

We are urging all the leaders of the world to be patient and use your wisdom to maintain peace in the world for the benefit of all mankind.