社评 0614 大批移民正向美墨边境挺进

正当美洲高峯会在加州举行成千上万的中南美洲移民大军正向美墨边境挺进,许多来自委内瑞拉之移民経过长途跋涉和许多国家到达墨西哥, 他们需要取得墨西哥之签证, 才能继续向美国方向前进, 有的人是経过人口贩卖集团及向官员贿赂,能早些脱离营区趁早前往美国。
从委内瑞拉逃离的马亭尼一家, 早在一年前就离乡背井逃到哥伦比亚再来到墨西哥, 他们之中许多之年轻人,但也有许多孩童。
这幕充满悲情的现代大逃亡, 正反应了墨西哥中南美洲地区延续不停要逃到美国求生存, 这股热潮随着民主党之执政将会更加激烈。
多少年来, 為了阻挡边境移民之涌入 ,已经成為美国政坛上主要之话题, 川普时代在美墨边境筑起高墙, 但到了民主党之拜登确加予停止修建。
近世纪以来 ,美国称之為后院的中南美洲及墨西哥, 多半国家仍然在経済及政治上挣扎之中 ,民生问题难予解决 ,国民们之愿望就是做一个美国梦, 希望有天到达美国开始自己的新生活。
无可讳言 ,今天美国的粗工劳动力主要是来自拉丁社区,他们吃苦耐劳, 真正為我们解决了大部分的劳力问题。
这塲巨大的移民大军, 已经不断在向美墨边境移动 ,联邦及地方执法单位如临大敌, 真是為拜登政府头痛之事又增一桩 ,不可不慎。
Migrant Caravan Is Heading Toward The U.S.
Thousands of migrants traveling from southern Mexico are seeking to reach the United States this week. It is the largest group of migrants ever seen in recent years. This latest march of 6,000 people walking along Mexican highways has drawn international attention.
The Mexican government said it has issued nearly 7,000 visas over the last few days to members of the caravan to bypass the border.
Many of the migrants came from Venezuela and had already traveled hundreds of miles through the jungle and crossed multiple borders before they arrived in Mexico. Some families pushed shopping carts along the side of the road with members of their family who for many years have been living in Colombia which is now home to more than 1.7 million Venezuelan migrants. Young men make up most of the migrants, but some of them are children.
Over the years, in order to stop the influx of border migrants, the issue has become a major topic in American politics. During the Trump administration, a high wall was built along the U.S. - Mexico border, but President Biden stopped its construction.
Over the past century, the countries, so-called “in our backyard,” in Central and South America and Mexico are still struggling economically and politically. The people in this region still are looking for the American Dream. They hope one day to come to the United States to start their new life.
This is very true. These people became our major labor force in the U.S. and really helped solve our labor problem.
This huge migrant army has been constantly moving toward our border. Federal and local government officials are facing a very big challenge. It is really another headache for the Biden administration, but we need to handle it very carefully.