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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

社评0616 我生命中最难忘的日子 纪念美南新闻之诞生

社评0616     我生命中最难忘的日子  纪念美南新闻之诞生



就在四十三年前的六月十六日中午, 在德州休斯敦一百零五度的盛暑下, 我从一辆已使用过十五万英里的小本田车上搬下了第一期出版的美南新闻週报, 油墨未乾沾满双手, 非常兴奋地走进了狭小的办公室向妻子及同事们出示第一份报纸,  诚如喜获麟儿之激情, 开始了我们漫长艰辛而又高潮迭起的媒体人生涯。

数十年之寒暑, 我们一直坚持决不向现实低头的毅力, 每天淸晨五时, 我準时起床,预备今日要完成的工作项目, 我手中握有清单, 当我晚上回家时, 一定要完成大部分之工作, 数十年如一日, 我们几乎从未鬆懈, 每当我回想起童年时之苦难日子以及父母之殷切期盼, 我没有任何理由退缩不前。

今天,我们在美南新闻新媒体中心, 迎来了眾多的宾客和友人 ,他们多年来不断地支持和爱护美南新闻 ,这份热情是支持我们前行之最大动力。

再次回忆童年时,侧眠在父亲身旁,共读报纸之往事, 在我幼小之心灵中已经植下对传媒事业之幼苗 ,父亲早已归天 ,每思至此仍会盈泪满颊, 父亲在天之灵冥冥中鼓励和保佑我们前行。

道不孤, 必有邻, 美南传媒在过去之发展过程中, 我们多角经营之理念, 从传统走现代, 為海外华文媒体之工作继续奋斗。

世界纷争不断 ,疫情蔓延未止 ,通货膨胀严重 ,枪击氾滥,治安败坏, 我们曾经歴各种灾难, 然而必须要「处变不惊, 同舟共济」,坚信未来必然会否极泰来 ,国泰民安。

Commemorating The Birth Of Southern News Group


The Most Memorable Day In My Life


Forty-three years ago, in the early afternoon, under the 105 degree summer heat in Houston, Texas, I unloaded the first issue of the Southern News weekly newspaper from a small Toyota truck that I had driven over more than 150,000 miles. The ink was still fresh and stained my hands black. I was very excited as I walked into my small office to show it to my wife Catherine and to all my colleagues. This moment marked the beginning of our media career.


After decades of hot and cold weather all over the nation and many ups and downs, we have always insisted on the perseverance of not bowing to reality. 


Every day at 5:00 am I get up on time to prepare for work and list all the items that must be completed that day. Then I have a list in my hand when I come home at night to check that I have finished most of my work. I have no reason to retreat from the hardships and the eager expectations that my parents faced. We have ushered in many guests and friends through our media center over the years. Today they still support and care for Southern News. For many years this kind of uplifting spirit is the greatest motivation that continues to support us and keeps us moving forward. 


When I remember and look back at my childhood, I still slept sideways and am still reading the same newspaper with my dad. Many years ago, I planted the seeds for my media career in my young heart. With every thought of how far we have come, I will still burst out into tears. My dad encouraged and blessed us to move forward in the spirit of Heaven. 


“The road is not lonely, there must be neighbors.” Over the last several years our innovation has changed the way we do our business. We always have adapted to new challenges and continue to be one of the best full-service media companies. 

Today the world is in chaos: inflation, the pandemic and shooting tragedies are around all of us, but we still need to work together for our future.