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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

社评 0620 国会通过筹建亚裔歷史文化博物馆

社评 0620  国会通过筹建亚裔歷史文化博物馆


由纽约州选出的华裔国会议员孟昭文所提出之国会第三五二五案, 国会通过并由总统签署生效 该案建议成立一个委员会正式开始筹划国家亚太裔歷史和文化博物馆 这项法案之通过 受到各界人士之热烈支持和反响

现任百人会会长及前驻华大使商务部长骆家辉在一份声明中表示 过去多年来 美国社区把亚太裔人当成外国人和陌生人看待 我们对於美国社会之歷史和贡献并未分报导和记载美国亚太裔歷史文化博物馆之成立对亚太裔社区及美国社会都是歷史上重要之时刻 他高度讚扬孟昭文议员对通过法案所作之努力及拜登总统及其团队之全力支持

我们非常欣慰国会及总统对亚太裔歷史及文化博物馆作出之正碓决定 此举代表了美国对亚太裔及移民之肯定

我们打开全美地图 从波士顿 华府 纽约 到芝加哥休斯敦 一直到美西洛杉磯所有大小二十多个城市 都有华埠及亚洲城 这些亚太裔聚居之城市 在経济上都是各城市商业林立之地区 而且社区银行总共也超过了七十多家 其带动之活力令人刮目相看

近年来亚裔对美国金融 科技 地產 学术之贡献更是支撑着整个国家之进步及繁荣 这些事蹟今后可永远记录在亚太裔囯家歷史文化博物馆中 让歷史永远记录而保存下来

我们希望加入这个筹编行列 并希望大家能写出或讲好你自己的故事把它永远流传

Creation Of A National Museum Of Asian Pacific American History And Culture

The H.R. 3525 bill sponsored by New York Congresswoman Grace Meng passed Congress and was signed into law by President Biden and formally established a commission to study the potential creation of A National Museum of Asian Pacific American History and Culture.

The Committee of 100 Chair, Gary Locke, former Secretary of Commerce, former Governor of Washington State and former Ambassador to China, issued a statement saying, “ For far too long, the Asian American and Pacific Islander community here in the United States has been marginalized and viewed as perpetual foreigners and strangers in our own homeland. We are Americans, and yet our history, contributions and stories in the U.S. have not been fully told. The creation of the National Museum of Asian Pacific American History and Culture would be a defining moment in the history of not only the AAPI community, but for Americans overall.”

When you open the map of America, in more than twenty small or big cities there are China towns or Asian towns. We have more than seventy Asian-owned banks and have helped to develop many local economies in recent years. The contributions of Asian Americans to American finance, technology, real estate, academics and government service has supported the progress and prosperity of the whole nation.

We are so happy and appreciate our representative Grace Meng’s leadership. We also want to urge all the Asian communities to give this project their full support.