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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

社评 0628 基建老旧 火车出轨

社评 0628  基建老旧 火车出轨

基建老旧 火车出

一辆美国国内火车週日下午在旧金山附近的布林伍市撞上一辆汽车后 造成三人死亡之悲剧 救火队发言人表示 三人是当塲毙命

在此同时 一辆从密苏里开往芝加哥的列车 上面有二百四十三位乘客撞上了一辆垃圾车后脱轨也造成三人死亡之惨剧

我们不禁要问 这些火车為何连续造成伤亡车祸 这就是美国的交通基础建设真的太破旧了

七十年代美国修建之高速公路及铁路缐 至今已经超过了半个世纪之久 许多机场桥樑已経破旧失修 这些都己経造成许多交通事故

今天在七国峯会上 拜登总统及七国领䄂同意筹措六千亿资金来协助世界上许多国家来进行基础建设之计划 以对抗中国大陆一带一路之计划

我们要问 美国的基建是什麼时候要开始呢 多少年来 每届政府不断高喊要改进我们的机塲、道 路及桥樑及火车轨道 至今只是听到楼梯响起但未见人下

遗憾的是 光就一天就有两起火车出轨及撞车惨案 而交通部也是束手无策

美国政府之预算 严控在国会议员手中 如今共和民主两党许多政见水火不容 只有在军援预算一掷就是数百亿这些钱不知能能修建多少公路及轨道了

Our Infrastructure Needs To Be Rebuilt

An Amtrak train and a car collided in northern California and three people are dead and at least two others have been injured.

The crash occurred Sunday at around 1:00 pm when the car collided with the train near the city of Brentwood which is located 60 miles from San Francisco.

A fire department spokesman said the three people whose identities were not revealed were pronounced dead at the scene.

In another accident, three people also are dead and at least 50 injured after an Amtrak train derailed Monday evening in Missouri. The highway patrol said two of the people who were killed were aboard the train, while the third person was in a dump truck that the train struck. The tragic incident happened at an uncontrolled intersection without warning lights or motion gates.

We just want to ask why these trains cause so many casualties and car accidents continuously? Is it because our transportation infrastructure is so bad?

It has been more than fifty years ago since we built many of the highways, railroads and airports and bridges in the U.S. Many of them have been dilapidated for many years and most have gone without repairs which has caused many of these deadly traffic accidents.

Today President Biden and the G7 countries announced they will raise 600 billion dollars to help many countries in need to build their infrastructures to compete with China's Belt and Road project.

When we look back to our own backyard, we need to ask when are we going to start our own infrastructure work to improve our transportation and railroad systems? Every administration has promised to do so, but we are still waiting.

We might have billions of dollars to give to other countries for military aid, but when we look at our own problems, who can give us help?

The budget of the government is strictly controlled by our Congress. If the two parties can’t agree on spending bills for our infrastructure, then we just don’t have a budget to do anything.