美国新冠疫情日记04/13/2020 患难见真情

自从美国新冠疫情肆虐以来,美国之疫情状况居世界之冠。从白宫到国会大家对疫情之处理方式意见分歧,川普总统认為国家経济事关重大,必须早日开放; 医疗界人士认為如果防疫不当,后果将不堪设想。
这段时期以来,格林议员在我们的社区,不顾自己的安危不断到各处参访,并且多次发动各项捐赠活动,他的这份关怀及爱心绝非其他议员及官员所能及,我経常在他的号召下为社区出力,身為社区之一份子,我们爱这片土地, 因為这是我们的家,格林议员之义举印证了患难见真情。
True Friendship Stands Out In Difficult Times
This morning we joined Congressman Al Green and Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner again at the Stafford Centre in Stafford, Texas, to announce to all citizens the upcoming drive for donations of medical products this Thursday from 10AM-12 Noon at the Stafford Centre located at 10505 Cash Road, Stafford, TX 77477.
The news conference for the announcement included City Councilwoman Alice Chen, President of Asian Chamber of Commerce Bin Yu and Susan Li president of Guangxi Association. We were very glad for the participation of our Asian community to show our support in this difficult pandemic period.
In Texas we currently have more than 13,000 confirmed cases of the Coronavirus with 271 deaths.
Today with our nation facing this tragic crisis, President Trump is seeking to open the nation ASAP and get people back to work. But other medical experts worry that might make things even worse.
In the last couple of months since the Coronavirus pandemic came to our community, Congressman Al Green was the first public person to come to the rescue of the community. We as local citizens will always appreciate, remember and be thankful for his immediate response to this health disaster. Congressman Green is a great politician.
We all love you Al.