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社评0706 全美国民心情鬱卒

社评0706   全美国民心情鬱卒


根据枪支暴力记录显示 光在七月份这四天 全美各地五人被害之枪杀案件已经有十一个之多 其中三起就在七月四日国庆当天其中包括维吉尼亚州里查逊及芝加哥近郊的高地市 近期最严重的包括水牛城十八岁少年在超市打死十名雇客 另外就是十九名孩童及二位教师在德州衣瓦里市惨死在另一个十八岁兇嫌之枪下 截至目前為止 全美已经有三百零八件枪杀案件 这也是美国有史以来最兇惨的时期

就在俄亥俄州阿克市一名黑人青年瓦克在交通检查事件中被拒因而被警察开了近六十枪毙命 市长已下令戒严 防犯市民大型示威引来之暴乱

虽然拜登总统刚在十天前签署了国会参眾议院共同通过之枪支新法案 但是犯罪情形并未得到改善

老实说 我们今天全美面临之问题已经不是单一的枪支控管之事 这是个国内及国际上我们所面对之新挑战

首先从经济面而言 全国物价高居不下 油价有史以来最贵 一般小市民可谓叫苦连天 加上新冠疫情未止 一直还在拖累经济之增长

在外交军事方面 俄乌之战未止 从欧洲到中东及亚洲纷争不断 致使世界能源及粮食供应面临危机

华府国会有关元月六日暴徒攻佔国会之听证会 两党激辩扯出了许多不為人知之内幕 也是未来期中选举之攻防战

一般市民老百姓 对於华府及世界政治之斗争 可能无法真正瞭解 但是物价飞涨及社区安全确是每一个人最切身的问题 此时此刻我们的心情能不鬱卒吗

We Are In A Depressed Mode

According to the Gun Violence Archive record, during the past 186 days more than 300 mass shootings have happened. On the Fourth of July holiday alone, there have been 11 shootings including Richardson, Virginia, and Highland Park, a city on the outskirts of Chicago. The most serious of these include an 18-old year boy in a supermarket in Buffalo, New York, who killed ten people and another young man who killed 18 young students and two teachers in Texas. So far, this year we have had 388 shooting cases in the United States. These have been the very darkest days in our history.

Just in: In Akron, Ohio, a young black man was killed by police because of a traffic violation. The mayor of the city ordered martial law to prevent rioting.

Although President Biden just signed a new bill on firearms that jointly passed both houses ten days ago, the crime situation has not improved at all.

To be honest, the problem we face in our nation today is no longer a single gun control issue. This is a new social challenge we face at home and abroad.

First of all, from an economic point of view, the price index is at an all time high. In addition, Covid-19 has not been stopped which has been dragging down the overall economic growth.

In terms of diplomacy and military affairs, the war between Russia and Ukraine is still going on. This has caused major energy and food shortages. The general public may not care or understand the world's problems, but soaring prices and community safety are indeed everyone’s personal problems.

We all are waiting for our leaders to give us the answer.