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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

社评 0714 通货膨胀再创新高

社评 0714  通货膨胀再创新高


在国民一片嘆息和无奈声中联邦统计局週三公佈美国六月份通货膨胀升高到百分之九点一 是四十年以来之新高 这将迫使联邦储备银行七月底前将再次升息

比较五月份之通货膨胀增长了百分之一点三 充分反映在油价及食品上面

拜登总统目前正在中东访问 白宫方面把通货膨胀怪罪於俄罗斯对乌克兰之战争 这个说法可能是对了三分之一 我们要指出今天世界局势一阵混乱加上疫情并未终止 大国之间的博奕打破了世界供应鍊及商业银行体系 物流无法畅通 航运费增涨近十倍 无疑是物价上涨之最主要原因

我们要呼吁拜登政府应改变在能源开发之政策 事实上 近几年来 包括德州页岩油及天然气之开发已经是从原油之输入国成了输出国 当新政府上台后立即转变政策使许多油井封口已便改变生态环境

重建世界供应链 疫情之中世界各国实施封城措施 极大影响了生產线及全球海运货柜之价格 更进步影响到物流之畅通 同时中美关係及俄乌之战重划全球政治及经济版图 导致推毁全球化之原有制度 致使全球通货膨胀 再次进入冷战危机实属不幸

U.S. Inflation Is Skyrocketing

The U.S. inflation rate roared again to a forty-year high. It's likely now that the Federal Reserve will raise the interest rate, an action that will risk the upending of the economic expansion.

The consumer price index also rose to 9.1% over the past year to the largest gain since the end of 1981, according to the Department of Labor.

The inflation gauge increased 1.3 % from last month, the most since 2005 reflecting the higher prices of gasoline and food.

The FED will keep an aggressive policy course to rein-in the demand which adds pressure to President Biden and congressional democrats whose support has now slumped just ahead of the midterm elections.

President Biden is traveling to the Middle East to discuss energy output with Saudi Arabia in hopes of lowering the high prices at the pump. Food costs climbed by 1% to 10.4% from one year ago, the largest increase since 1981.

We need to point out that today’s chaotic world and the pandemic have not produced any solutions to ending the game-playing between the major powers or the breaking of the world supply chain or the shaky global financial system. Disrupted logistics also make it difficult to operate smoothly as evidenced by the all-time highs of shipping charges for goods that have increased by nearly 800%, which undoubtedly is the main reason for the continuous rise in prices.

Rebuilding the world’s supply chain and improving relationships between nations will be the first priority toward solving all the current problems.