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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

社评 0718 没有我 川普不会有今天

社评 0718  没有我 川普不会有今天

没有我 川普不会有今天

年七十三岁的川普第一任妻子伊凡娜上週在她纽约寓所摔下楼梯受重伤而去世 纽约市法医証明是她下楼时不慎摔下 是件意外事件

伊凡娜曾经和川普生活了十五年 并在川普创业时期协助他发展商业王国 因此她曾经说过 如果没有我川普不会有今天

伊凡娜於一九四九年出生在捷克 她能说五国语言 七十年代曾嫁给奥地利人温克尔迈 两年后就分开 在一九七六年她和川普在纽约邂逅九个月后就结婚 在十五年的婚姻生活中 她全力帮助川普管理和成立许多酒店赌场事业 并為他生下了三个孩子

由於她发现川普巳经用情不专而且公开有小三因此她提出离婚并得到了一千四百万元及一些地產 离婚后她曾主持过电视购物频道 并且再婚但都以离异收塲


我们对於这位早年移民美国的伊凡娜在意外中去世 表示十分哀悼 她的一生正足分说明七十年代的纽约处於经济衰退而又充满机会的时期 老实说 川普当年在纽约开始创业从事地產开发而致富 和伊凡娜有非常密切之关係 今天川普因而成為总统 他应该心知肚明

Ivana Trump Has Passed Away

Ivan Trump, the ex-wife of former President Donald Trump, has died of blunt-impact injuries in her residence in New York City.

City officials said her death was consistent with a fall down the stairs in her apartment. Ivana was the first wife of the former president and mother of their three children, Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump and Ivanka Trump.

Born in the former country of Czechoslovakia, she left her country in 1970 and worked as a model. She then met and married Donald Trump in 1977 and became a key person running the Trump organization, including Trump’s Castle in Atlantic City, the Grand Hyatt Hotel and Trump Tower. She and Trump divorced in 1977.

Former President Trump said on social media that, “I am very saddened to inform all of those who loved her, of which there are many, that Ivana Trump has passed away at her home in New York. She was a wonderful, beautiful and amazing woman who led a great and inspirational life. Her pride and joy were her three children, Donald Jr., Ivanka and Eric She was so proud of them, as we all are. We are also so proud of her. Rest In Peace, Ivana.”