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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

社评0720 政府购回枪支

社评0720   政府购回枪支


休斯敦市警察局长费尼及赫里斯郡郡长阿里斯在记者会上宣佈, 自本月三十日将在休斯敦一家教堂广场上收购个人收藏之枪支, 并将以购物卷作為酬谢

郡长阿里斯在会上表示 我们不可能立即解决枪支汜滥之危机 但是我们从现在开始希望把枪支慢慢从街头移走

市长特纳在一项声明中表示 购回枪支计划是我们重整治安的重要措施 希望籍此改善治安

我们举双手赞成市府之这项计划 并且希望是长期实施 今天全美民眾收藏之枪械数字已远超过人口数字 可以说人手一支 这是多麼恐怖而令人担忧之大事

拥枪自保是宪法赋予之基本权利 但是这种权力已经成為社会罪恶之根源

购回枪支计划是否成功有赖於社区之反应及支持 此时此刻 全国各地仍然枪声频传 多少人成寃魂 令人忧心忡忡

我们在此关键时刻 大家必须扪心自问:“我们到底对自己的社区能做点什麼服务和贡献 爱护你的隣居 送上一份祝福和温暖 是我们共同之义务和责任。”

City To Buy Back Guns 

Houston Police Chief Troy Finner and Harris Commissioner Rodney Ellis announced a Gun Buyback event and urged residents who turn in their firearms to exchange them for gift cards in various amounts.

Commissioner Ellis said, “We can’t solve the gun violence epidemic overnight, but we can take action right now by removing guns from the street. The Gun Buyback program creates an incentive for residents to turn in their firearms. I would argue there are two incentives: one is a gift card and the other is creating a safer community.”

Mayor Turner in a statement said that the Gun Buyback program is part of his One Safe Houston Initiative. 

"Our goal is to get unwanted guns off the street to prevent their use in crimes or accidental shootings."

The Gun Buyback program will take place on July 30 at the Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church starting at 8:00 am until noon. 

We support the city and county’s plan and hope it will be implemented for a long time. Today the number of firearms collected by the people in the U.S. has far-exceeded the population figures.

Self-protection with firearms is a fundamental constitutional right for all, but this right is also used by some of the people as the root cause of social evil.

The success of the Gun Buyback program will still depend on our community’s support. At this critical moment we must ask ourselves, "What can we do for our community?"                                                      

It is our common duty and responsibility to love our neighbors and send them a blessing.