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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

社评0730 构建<休斯敦国际文化园区>之蓝图

社评0730   构建<休斯敦国际文化园区>之蓝图


最近和赫里斯郡长柯尔葛之集会中, 他正式宣佈将在国际区八号公路旁的艾德士多利公园建造一座佛塔,将為此地区的居民带来更多的文化色彩。

二十年来 ,休斯敦西南及国际区在前仆后继的大批新移民之努力下, 我们為休斯敦创造了経济上之奇蹟 ,从马路之拓宽区内商业之兴旺,人口也激速增加。

可是这两年多来, 由於新冠病毒之侵袭 ,我们社区受到了重创, 许多商家因而关闭, 如今疫情逐渐减缓 ,也是我们要大家共同努力来帮忙商家重整昔日荣景之时侯了。

老实说 ,経济之繁荣和人气是不可分的, 我们必须有些可以让大家去观光的地方 ,才能吸引人潮 ,我们目前最能吸引人的就是发挥国际文化之潜力。

目前在第四区之居民中, 白人佔百分之二十九, 拉丁裔佔百分之四十四, 亚裔佔百分之二十一, 黑人佔百分之二十八, 我们迫切需要建立一个国际文化园区, 把亚洲文化、 欧洲文化、 拉丁文化及美国文化分别建造不同的博物舘 ,来表现我们是个文化共容的国家。

我们已经正在準备成立筹备小组, 為国际文化园区之工作做完整之规划工作 ,更希望共同努力為我们在这块土地上留下歷史的痕跡。

Blueprint For Building The “Houston International Culture Park”

At the recent meeting with Commissioner Cagle he made an announcement for the building of a pagoda at Arthur Storey Park in the International District nearby Beltway 8 which will bring a more cultural flavor to our area.

Over the last twenty years with the efforts of a large number of new immigrants coming to this area, we have created an economic miracle for the City of Houston. The prosperity of the business climate here has really brought many new residents to our district.

However, in the last two years, due to the impact of Covid-19, our community has been hit hard economically and many businesses have closed down. Now that the pandemic is gradually slowing down, it is also the time for us to work together to help the merchants reorganize the glory of the past.

To be honest, we must have some physical attraction to our area so the people can come by to visit.  So we are so happy that Commissioner Cagle will help us to build a pagoda to attract more people to come and visit our district.

At the present time in our region, among the residents, Whites account for 29%, Latino 44%, Asian 21% and African 28 %. We are really home for the international mix of the city.

We really suggest and support the building of an International Culture Park to represent all the different cultures in our area.

We propose to organize a planning committee in the near future and will work closely with the city and county to build a unique park for tourists to come and participate in our economic prosperity.