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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

美国新冠疫情日誌04/16/2020 疫情政治 后患无穷

美国新冠疫情日誌04/16/2020 疫情政治 后患无穷

                 疫情政治 后患无穷



在白宫例行记者会, 记者和总统舌枪唇战,川普辱骂记者,称他们报导的是假新闻。




                Virus Politics – An Endless Disastrous Flow 

The world’s Coronavirus cases now number way over 2 million.  In America alone, there are already over one-half million cases. We are so very sad that this invisible enemy is attacking the whole world.

Unfortunately, Democrats and Republicans are still pointing fingers at each other. Democrats argued that President Trump didn’t give more attention to the affect on small business while poor citizens say they think the president is doing a good job.

At the White House news conference, reporters and the President argued about the current situation facing the nation, but the President replied by saying you are reporting “Fake news.”

Currently in the U. S., we already have 22 million people who have applied for unemployment benefits -- more than one million people in Texas alone.

Today our nation is really in an emergency situation. We want all politicians to work together to rescue our businesses, no matter small or big. We want all the think tanks and universities to come up with solutions to discover a vaccine and treatment medicines as well as economic solutions for businesses from government.

We only have one world which belongs to all of us.

Let’s work together to save it.