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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

社评0815 川普被搜索之政治效应

社评0815  川普被搜索之政治效应


美国联邦调查局上週对川普住宅进行的史无前例之搜索 正在引起巨大之政治风暴 川普在自己的社群网站中表示 联邦调查局人员可能是移植証据 他的律师也同时表示 我们真不知道他们是否在故意做些什么。

共和党参议员波尔也质疑他们是否会把一些东西放到侦查的箱子裡面 川普的媳妇说 这次搜索就像一批人鬨进你家 并随意带走她们要拿手的任何东西

我们非常担心这行搜索行动将严重加剧两党之对立 去搜查一个国家前元首之私宅 是件非常严重之事 让人立即想到的必然就是政治斗争 而且十一月之期中选已経近在眉捷

共和党川普支持者一定是把这项行动定位為政治迫害 并且对此表示强烈不满 其中一名支持者已经对联邦调查局驻在辛辛那堤办公楼进行袭击并被击毙 目前仍然有许多妄份子还在蠢蠢欲动

我们绝不愿看见这㘯搜索行动变成武装冲突 其后果将是非常令人担忧


代表民主党竞选州长的百托 定於下週前来华亚裔社区拜票和募款 这将是十一月州长选举展开的前哨站

非常强势的现任州长艾伯特 近年来因实施减税招商政策得当 许多大型企业纷纷迁入 使他成為共和党底气最足之州长 不时和联邦政府叫板 并将眾多美墨边境之难民送到首都华盛顿及纽约 此举引起许多人之不满

我们对百托之来访表示高度之关注, 对选民而言 每天面对的民生议题还是最实际和重要的事 政客们在竞选时表现出关心民生疾苦 许多人当选后又是另外一个脸嘴

Political Earthquakes In DC

When the FBI searched former President Trump’s residence, it triggered a political earthquake. Many supporters of Trump are questioning whether the material at Mar-a-Lago was actually highly sensitive. Is that justification to search the former president’s residence?  Many conservative lawmakers think that the FBI search was nothing more than a political arm of President Biden.

We are very worried about this search operation that can seriously create added confrontation between the two parties. Trump’s strong supporters must think this was a politically motivated act. One of Trump’s supporters has already attacked the FBI office in Ohio.

We never want to see this issue bring any armed confrontation and cause damage to our national  security.

The whole world is watching what is going on in America. We are the leader of the world. We need to move on and all step together toward our election. We need to have very wise and smart politicians to lead our nation

Beto Is Coming To Town

Democratic Texas governor candidate Beto O'Rourke is about to come to our Asian American community next week to seek support for votes and donations.

We welcome him to meet all of us and talk about the issues we are facing today.

As current governor Greg Abbott’s economic policies are taking effect, many large enterprises have moved into Texas making him one of the strongest politicians in the nation

Recently Governor Abbott has sent many refugees from Texas to New York and Washington D.C. to express his displeasure with President Biden’s immigration policy which has made him a national news figure.

We are most concerned in our community about livelihood issues, such as the high prices for food and the rising inflation rate. We also want to advise the Democratic party that we need to bring more unity to face the many challenges we face including discrimination and the racial problems in recent years.