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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

社评0816 致各位亲爱的客户及朋友们

社评0816   致各位亲爱的客户及朋友们



过去两年多来之新冠病毒打乱了我们大家的生活秩序 这塲疫情在每一个人的心头都烙下了伤痕。

美南新闻走过了四十三载之岁月 我们大家在这块土地上共同成长 感谢有您的支持和陪伴 我们继续為社区提供服务。

随着科技之飞跃进步, 新社群媒体之兴起 我们已经在迎头赶上进入电视、大屏幕 LED YouTube Facebook 微信等社群新媒体 全面為大家作完整之服务.

多年来 我们也提供印刷书籍 报纸 名、片 餐牌、 宣传海报等服务。

我们竭诚地向大家表达由衷之谢意, 并希望值此疫情持续减缓之时, 為大家提供最佳之服务。

谨此并祝各位中秋佳节快乐, 万事顺遂。



Our Dear Customers And Friends

Over the past two years Covid-19 has disrupted the life order for all of us. The pandemic has left scars on everybody’s heart.

Southern News Group has continued on through 43 years now. We all grew up together on this land. Thank you for your faithful support and friendship. We will continue to provide our services for the community.

With the rapid progress of science and technology and the rise of the new media, we have caught up now with TV, large screen LED, YouTube, Facebook, WeChat and other new media to provide complete services for everyone.

Over the years we have also provided commercial printing, newspapers, books, business cards, posters, yellow pages and other print services.

We sincerely want to express our sincere gratitude to you and hope to continue to provide you with the best services at this time when the pandemic continues to slow down.

We would like to especially wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and all the very best.

Wea and Catherine Lee

Southern News Group

Houston, Texas