社评0818 迎接国际贸易中心双十年庆

时光荏苒 ,休斯敦美南国际贸易中心大楼落成至今已経是二十个年头 。细数过去之岁月 ,我们非常荣幸和德州之国际社区同时茁壮成长。
庆祝国际贸易中心二十年庆将於十一日三日下午在德州休斯敦特斯纳大酒店举行 ,将邀请前赫里斯郡郡长艾克斯及市长特纳担任大会主席 ,并邀请驻休斯敦各国总领事出席 ,并分设以各国国名之餐桌 ,分别穿着各国服装 ,并分别有国际艺文表演及各国美食。
二十年来 ,国际贸易中心大楼曾经和美国商务部 、中小企业部 、进出口银行 ,共同接待了超过一万五千家中小企业 ,美国前总统克林顿 、中南美洲非洲及亚洲地区之总理部长大使都曾来参加各项活动。
双十週年庆是我们一个对社会贡献和努力之里程碑 ,并将选出对社会有贡献之人士颁授最高奬章 ,我们已经在积极规划在美南新闻世界总部内增加国际金融中心 ,届时将有贸易文化 、媒体金融為一体 再次走向下一个新台阶。
We Are Celebrating The 20th Anniversary Of The International Trade Center
It has been twenty years since we completed the International Trade Center building in Houston, Texas.
Counting many successful years in the past, we are very proud and honored to be a part of the international community in Texas.
On November 3rd, we will host a celebration party at the Grand Tuscany Hotel with a Gala to honor the many leaders in culture, business and philanthropy in the Houston area. Former County Judge Robert Eckels and Mayor Turner will be our Gala chairs. Many consuls general will be invited to attend and they will wear their national costumes and many international dancers and other artists will perform.
Over the past twenty years, ITC has sponsored and hosted, along with the U.S. Department of Commerce Commercial Service, the Small Business Administration and the Import and Export Bank, hundreds of international business seminars and welcomed more than 15,000 small business owners to our events. Former President Bill Clinton and many ambassadors, prime ministers and other governmental dignitaries from around the world have been among our guests.
We will continue our mission to serve our community and help the ITC to become one of the best stages and platforms for our country’s international affairs.