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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

社评 0822 贺新加坡国庆

社评 0822  贺新加坡国庆



今天是新加坡国庆纪念日, 这个以华人為主之弹丸小国 為世界政治创造了成功的奇蹟 我们要為它的成就表达无限的祝福

总理李显龙在国庆大会上表示 新加坡之成就是在於人民之团结好的政治领袖及人民和政府之高度信任 他呼吁新加坡将继续吸收来自全世界之杰出人才 也是国家未来发展之重要基础


新加坡近年来在世界政治舞台上之表现令人刮目 他们对於海峡两岸之关係也曾做出重大贡献 远从李光耀时代 新加坡一直扮演着和事佬之角色 从汪辜会谈到两岸领导人之会晤都曾在新加坡举行 可惜这些努力因政治因素没有达到预期之效果

新加城之安定和繁荣建立在他们善於利用外交手碗 在各大国间树立中间立场 成為世界金融及商业中心 海峡两岸之商界富商 无不把新加坡当成一个避风港

早年从福建广东南下南洋之老一代华人 在新加坡造就了成功之奇蹟 新加坡我们祝贺你的生日 為华裔争光

Congratulations Singapore National Day!

Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong told his people on National Day that, “Singapore may have the best-laid schemes, but they will come to nothing if the country does not have a united people, good leaders and high trust between the two.”

Singapore will move forward under the fourth-generation leadership of Mr. Lawrence Wong. He and his team have a tough task on their hands.

PM Lee stressed that a small country like Singapore has zero margin for error. We also need the right leader with the conviction to make the tough calls and do the right thing.

PM Lee is also very worried about the future relations between the U.S. and China and is also openly pessimistic about the current situation in the Taiwan Strait.

Singapore’s performance on the world’s political stage in recent years is impressive. They have also made significant contributions to the relationship between the two sides of the Strait.

As far back as Prime Minister We Kwan Yaun who played the role of peacemaker, the two political leaders from China and Taiwan also met in Singapore. Unfortunately, those efforts didn’t produce any constructive results.

In the early years, many Chinese immigrants from China settled down on this small island and created the miracle of success in Singapore. We are here to congratulate you on your birthday and we are very proud of you.