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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

社评 0908 拉斯维加斯名记者遇刺身亡

社评  0908  拉斯维加斯名记者遇刺身亡



警方表示 杰门是在週五晚上和人发生争吵之后被刺杀 他们已经有些线索

市长古门在案发后表示非常震惊 她对於令人髪指之行為 并誓言一定要找到兇手

杰门是拉斯维加斯纪事报专门报导社会新闻尤其是黑社会事件 他已経在该报服务了二十多年 他对於当地黑社会头目及赌塲情况非常瞭解 并和他们结下仇恨 他曾经详细报导过拉斯维加斯曼德里赌塲之大屠杀事件

杰门之被刺杀反应了赌城社会严重之问题 许多犯罪集团非常厌恶记者之报导 事实上这些集团勾结不法份子為非作歹

目前経济情况普遍不佳 赌城情况大不如前 全国各地不肖之徒都会来到赌城谋生 因而造成社会动盪不安

杰门命案仍然在侦办之中 我们希望警方全力侦办 早日抓到兇手 繫之以法 我们也要在此向杰门家属表示由衷之祷念 他在新闻事业之岗位上鞠躬尽瘁

Reporter In Las Vegas Stabbed To Death

Investigative reporter Jeff German who worked for the Las Vegas Review-Journal was found stabbed to death outside of his home Saturday morning.

Police officials said they believed German was in an altercation with another person on Friday that led to his death.

Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman said in a statement that she was “shocked” to learn of German’s death. 

Mayor Goodman said, “This was a senseless act of violence and loss of life in this manner. It is always shocking and must stop. We will be closely following the police investigation.”

German was a reporter covering organized crime, the courts and politics for the newspaper for more than 20 years.

He covered a range of stories from one about the death of casino heir Ted Binion, to regular stories on misconduct by government officials.

German’s assassination reflects the serious problems of Las Vegas society. Many criminal groups hate reporters.

At the present time, the economic situation is generally poor. Many of the people who moved to Las Vegas to make a living made the society unstable.

The murder of German is still under investigation. We hope that the police will do their best to investigate and catch the murder as soon as possible and bring them to justice.

We also want to express our sincere condolences to the German family.