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社评 0910 美国的月亮真的大吗

社评 0910 美国的月亮真的大吗



中秋夜 后院月色皎洁 是团圆丰盛之象徵 唐代诗人李白的举头望明月 低头思故乡” 宋代王安石有云春风又绿江南岸 明月何时照我还”,人们常以月圆月缺来形容悲欢离合

今夜我们的大家远离故乡数千哩之外 远眺云海深处 有无限感受

近百年来 我们在国穷家困之情境下 远走他郷 也是為了温饱和追求更好之生活 转瞬间我们来到这块土地已有数十年之久 许多海外游子捲起袖子努力耕耘这块新天地 他们许多都成功成為富商 教授 医生 律师及金融家 共同為社区繁荣做出贡献

我们是个民族大熔炉 我们来自世界每个角落 但是我们大家都以自己之固有文化為荣

今天中午我们一起共同為休斯敦国际区之凉亭举行破土动工仪员 来自政府商界领袖共同為这个代表华亚裔文化之精神堡垒喝采 同时遥望远方的亲友们值此秋夜 我们希望共明月秋色祝福国泰民安

Mid-Autumn Moon Festival

The Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar. It is the time for family members and loved ones to congregate and enjoy the full moon as a symbol of abundance, harmony and good luck.

The Mid-Autumn Festival began in the Song Dynasty and continued in popularity into the Ming and Qing dynasties. New Year’s Day has now become the major holiday of the festival.

Tonight many people are thousands of miles away from their hometowns looking into the depths of the sea of clouds and there are infinite feelings that run deep this time of year.

More than one hundred years ago, many Chinese Asian immigrants came to America looking for a better life. We rolled up our sleeves and worked hard to build this country together. Many of us became rich as businessmen, lawyers and doctors, along with many other professions.

America is the “melting pot” of nations and home to people from every corner of the world, but we are always very proud of our inherent native culture.

At noon today, we held a groundbreaking ceremony for the new Asian pavilionin the International District. We really appreciate Commissioner Jack Cagle’s strong support of this important project. On this special autumn night, we wish the country and all its people the most prosperous and happy times for the future.