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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

社评 0916 难民送到副总统官邸门口

社评 0916   难民送到副总统官邸门口



德州州长艾伯特遣送的边境难民今天清晨搭乘大巴抵达华盛顿特区副总统赫里斯官邸门口 再次掀起民主共和两党之政治表演。

非法移民是两党操纵政治议题的主要诉求之一 在川普时代 民主党抱怨政府对待难民之不仁道方式 然而共和党认為在美墨边境之难民潮已经到了无法收拾之地步

艾伯特州长於週三晚上在休斯敦和三百多位小商业主作了面对面之对话 他首先抱怨拜登政府放宽非法移民进入德州边境 近二年来已近二百万人 有如另一个休斯敦之人口数字 这是非常可怕的非法移民潮 為了引起各方之注意 他不得不将他们送到民主党执政的大城市 包括纽约 芝加哥 华府等地

我们要非常遗憾地指出这样做法并且解决非法移民之问题 他们已经成為政不断上演闹剧

艾伯特州长将於十一月份遭到民主党之挑战 由于他的减税政策近年来大批工商汽车厂迁入徳州 成為美国工商业之明星州 相信他之连任将会有十足把握

我也应邀参加了州长之见面会 对於中小商业之困境也表达了一些意见 希望州政府给予重视和支持

Governor Sends Migrants To The Front Door Of Vice President’s Residence

On Thursday, Texas Governor Greg Abbott sent two busloads of migrants to the Naval Observatory in Washington, D.C., not far from the residence of Vice President Kamala Harris.

Since April, Abbott has bused 7,900 migrants to the U.S. capitol, New York and Chicago. Abbott said, “The Biden-Harris administration continues ignoring and denying the historic crisis at our southern border which has endangered and overwhelmed Texas communities for almost two years.” 

President Biden has accused Republicans of playing politics with human beings using them as props.

On the same day, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, also flew 50 migrants to Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts.

The migrant issue has become one of the most important issues in U.S. politics. During the Trump administration, the Democratic party complained about the inhumane treatment of migrants, but now the Republican party believes that the refugee flow on the border has reached an uncontrollable point.

I attended Governor Abbott’s face-to-face dialogue with more than 300 small business owners at The Briar Club in Houston on Wednesday night. The Governor said that in the last two years nearly two million migrants have crossed the border and entered into the United States. This has become a national security issue.

Governor Abbott will be challenged by the Democrats in November. Due to his tax cuts, many big corporations have moved to Texas. Their relocation here will create a budget surplus for the entire state.