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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

社评 0919 全功能现代国际区 艾利芙社区中心开放在即

社评 0919  全功能现代国际区  艾利芙社区中心开放在即



经过两年之工程位於休斯敦国际区之艾利芙社区中心已接近峻工这座佔地三十七英亩七万英尺之全功能现代化建筑将把图书馆 市府卫生局及医疗体育馆全部包容在同一社区中心大楼

市府管理局助理主任威拉表示 我们希望為市政府将来的社区中心做出一个成功之范例 将市府对市民之服务和娱乐结合在一起


市议员唐姆斯女士要感谢多年来艾利芙社区委员会之努力 当她当上市议员时就投票支持拨款五千九百万元立即开始兴建工程

国际区是由各种新移民组成之社区 我们使用一百种以上之方言 他们来自中国大陆 台湾 越南 伊拉克 瓜地马拉 非洲地区

我们正在热烈欢迎这座美仑美奐之新地标拔地而起 加上正在兴建中的东方亭阁和国际文化博物馆 将充分标誌发掦族裔文化传统

Most Innovative Alief Community Center Opens Soon

The more than 70,000 square-foot Alief Neighborhood Center that combines three City of Houston departments (Li­brary, Parks, & Health) will include a library, a senior center and a clinic run by the City of Houston Health Department will be open soon.

The 37-acre complex also will have a public swimming pool, skate park and soccer field and tennis courts.

Richard Ella, Assistant Director of Houston’s General Service Department said, “We hope that the center will be a model that will be replicated across the city.”

City Councilwoman Tiffany Thomas credited the Alief Super Neighborhood Council for keeping the pressure on the city to provide the funding, and said her first vote in the city council was to authorize the funds for the construction of the building.

We live here in this area to enjoy unique experiences like culture and diversity and many of our new residents are recent immigrants from China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Africa and Latin America. We speak over 100 dialects here in the International District now.

We are also very proud that so many businesses have moved into the International District to help create and participate in our thriving economic prosperity.

The Alief Community Center will be a new landmark for our area along with the International Culture Museum project which we are so very proud to be a part of.