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社评 0920 英女王伊丽莎白二世时代之落幕

社评 0920 英女王伊丽莎白二世时代之落幕



英国女王伊丽莎白二世之葬礼於週一正式举行是英国自一九六五年首相邱吉尔逝世以来首次之国葬大典 ,她是於1947 年在西敏寺成婚,1953 年加冕,最后也在此向大眾告别,代表了一个时代之落幕。

国葬仪式结束后 ,女王𩆜柩移到皇家海军砲架车上列队经过威灵顿拱门,成千上万之民眾在道路上送别。

英格兰大主教韦尔比在国葬中表示, 很少有人像女王一样如此彻底地遵守了自己之承诺,也几乎没有其他领导人像女王一样去世之后受到如此多的爱戴。


目前除了英国之外, 另有十四个国家奉英国君主為国家元首, 有五十六个国家组成英联邦 ,成员多半是昔日英国之殖民地是一个松散之组织,在外交及国防方面并没有实质之协调和统一。

近年来 ,英国在政治及経济上遭到诸多挑战 ,查理君主是否可能维持在外交上之地位,仍要继续观察。

Say Farewell To Queen Elizabeth II

Hundreds of world leaders and dignitaries and as many as two million admirers filled up the streets to say their final goodbyes to the monarch Queen Elizabeth II.

Her coffin was lying in state inside Westminster Abbey to allow the public to pay final respects to the longest serving monarch. On Monday, her coffin left the palace to travel to the iconic English church where her funeral was held.

The Queen reigned for 70 years starting in 1962, until her death on September 8 at the age of 96.

She also served as Head of the Commonwealth which included 54 nations, with 14 of them counting the monarch as their head of state.

In recent years, the United Kingdom has faced many challenges. How can they still hold on to their world leadership will be the big question.