美国新冠疫情日记04/20/2020 原住民印第安人之贫穷哀歌

看看我们的原住人,他们是真正的美国人, 两百多年来,来自全世界的移民前仆后继的建立了强大的美利坚共和国,所有国民要睁大眼晴,选贤与能,谁才能领导国家走出困境。看看原住民印第安人之处境,我们是世界超级强国吗?真是汗顏 ,大家努力吧!
For Native Americans It Is Sad To Be Poor
More than one half million of the Native American population in the mid-western states have one thousand Coronavirus confirmed cases and almost 40 deaths. This is the highest rate among all groups. In the last few years, the U.S. government authorized the Native American reservation lands to be open for casino operations and many special businesses so they can use tax money to support the their communities. Today, more than forty percent of Native American families still do not have running water and thirty percent of these families have no electricity. Local residents depend on tax money to provide just the basic needs. The federal government in Washington says they just can’t solve the education and health issues of the Native Americans.
Today, the U.S. and the whole world is facing the biggest challenge since World War Two. President Trump insists on opening the country for business, but the virus is still attacking our communities.
We as the voters of this great nation need to open our eyes and use our wisdom to choose our leader in the White House. We want to keep America holding the position as the most powerful nation in the world.
Looking at the Native American reservations, we should feel very shameful .
Let’s hold our hands together to fight for our future.
Because it is sad to be poor.