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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

社评 1006 两个女人的战争

社评 1006 两个女人的战争



赫里斯郡郡长之争夺战己経到了非常激烈之最后阶段 现任民主党郡长赫达哥哥和挑战者米勒同样是哈佛毕业之高材生 将在下月大选中一较胜负

这个拥有人口四百五十万有数千亿预算之大郡 是民主共和两党必争之大饼

虽然她们两位都来自拉丁裔但她们之主张是南辕北辙 三十一岁的赫达哥在二 O一八年意外地击败了政坛老将埃孟 她在哥伦比亚出生 后来移民美国O一三年史坦福大学毕业后才入了美国籍后来到纽约大学及哈佛继续法律学位曾経為民权组织服务 在任期间主要政见是防治水患 司法正义及政府清廉等 她也是第一位出任郡长之女性

挑战者米勒女士是三十七岁西点军校毕业生 并获哈佛法学和商学学位并曾在陆军负役 她的政见是要增加治安经费一千名警察 削减政府支出

两名女人都是三十岁左右之新生代 她们代表了政治世代之更迭 我们将拭目以待了

Two Young Women’s Battle

Current Democratic Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo and Republican challenger Alexandra del Moral Mealer are in a tough fight in coming election.

Harris County, with more than 4.5 million in population, is the third largest county in the nation. The county government manages a multi-billion dollar  annual budget and is in charge of funding key services and infrastructure in the county.

31-year-old Hidalgo was a new face when she defeated Republican incumbent Ed Emmett in 2018. Born in Colombia, she moved to the Houston area as a teenager in 2013. She graduated from Stanford University and became U. S. citizen in the same year. She also enrolled in Harvard University, but she put her studies there on hold when she chose to run for office.

During her first term, Hidalgo was mostly focused on issues including flood control, criminal justice reform and government transparency. She was the first woman to ever become a Harris County judge.

Hidalgo’s 37-year-old challenger, Mealer, is originally from California. She is also a second generation Hispanic American, a West Point graduate, a combat veteran (Army Bomb Squad), a working mother with a successful career in energy finance with JD and MBA degrees from Harvard University.

Mealer said she would aggressively increase law enforcement funding, combat corruption and practice lower spending.

We as residents of Harris County, all of us, are very much concerned about our tax increases and public safety issues. The November election is very important to all of us.