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美国新冠疫情日记04/21/2020 美国再增世界危机隠忧

美国新冠疫情日记04/21/2020 美国再增世界危机隠忧


美国情资显示,北韩领导人金正恩因心臟手术后病情正转入危急之中 。据报导,他在四月十五日就未参加纪念其祖父金日成之纪念活动,北韩政府也在当时否认了金正恩曾经向川普总统传递任何消息之说法。






Another World Challenge: North Korea

U.S. intelligence sources are monitoring that North Korea leader Kim Jong Un is in grave danger after undergoing heart surgery. Kim recently missed his grandfather’s birthday celebration on April 15 which raised questions about his well-being. In the meantime, North Korean also denied that they sent any message to President Trump.

After Kim came into power over the North Korean regime, he insisted on developing nuclear weapons which created big tensions in the region, especially with Japan and South Korea. A nuclear warhead from North Korea could easily reach American shores

 as well. In the last several years, the six countries held party talks to try and solve the problem, but ended in failure. President Trump also had a political summit with Kim but it was just a political show without any progress.

Today with the Coronavirus attacking all over the world, we definitely don’t want to see the untimely collapse of North Korea which would create a major refugee crisis and a huge world security disaster.

The White House now faces unprecedented crises around the world. As the leader of the free world, the President needs to use his wisdom to solve this generation’s staggering problems and issues.