社评 1014 美沙关係恶化
美国参议员蒙狄今天呼吁要美国公司立即中止和沙乌地阿拉伯之合作关係 ,主要是报復沙国对石油之减產。
蒙狄参议员重申我们必须立即中断和沙国一切経济和贸易往来,包括军售在内 ,一直到他们瞭解美国支持乌克兰被俄罗斯入侵之事实。
民主党参议员桑德生也非常愤怒,要把美军全部撤离 ,他说, 如果沙乌地要和俄罗斯站在一起 ,那就请俄罗斯去保护他们的皇家政权吧。
沙乌地事实上是石油输出国组织之首脑, 近年来该国王储公然谋杀《华盛顿邮报》记者, 其人权记录十分恶劣。
长久以来, 这个石油大国一直是美国在中东之重要盟邦, 但是两者关係因大国在中东之博奕產生变化。
综观世界情势 ,由于俄乌之战, 使世界局势有了重大转变 ,由美国為首之西方阵营正在面对俄罗斯、 中国大陆、 伊朗等国之挑战 ,世界和平可能是遥遥无期。
U.S. Tries To Freeze Relationship With Saudi Arabia
Senator Bob Menendez urged for an immediate freeze to all U.S. cooperation with Saudi Arabia, including arms sales. This is in response to their slowdown in production of oil supplies due to Russia’s war in Ukraine.
The senators are accusing the Middle East country of supporting Russia’s war when the Organization Of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) decided last week to cut production by 2 million barrels of oil per day.
As chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, Menendez said, “I will not green-light any cooperation with Riyadh until the Kingdom reassesses its position with respect to the war in Ukraine.”
Democratic Senator Bernie Sanders also voiced his unhappiness, calling for all troops to be pulled out of Saudi Arabia. He said, “If the country that is one of the worst violators of human rights in the world wants to partner with Russia to jack up U.S. gas prices, it can get Putin to defend its monarchy.”
We are watching a world that is in chaos. After the Ukraine war, there will be many international political landscapes that will change with many relationships going very bad. We can’t see any peaceful future at all.