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社评1017 美南新闻广场迎来眾多政治人物

社评1017  美南新闻广场迎来眾多政治人物


上週六下午四时 休斯敦市艷阳高照在我们的广上人头钻动 涌进了近千人的各族裔选民他们希望為自己的候选人作期中选前的最后冲刺 他们兴高采烈 走在群眾中发传单 互相打气 并展示歌喉 唱出选民之心声

今午我和李雄 李娟 前市议员关振鹏等华亚裔领䄂在美南传媒大楼前前后迎来了民主党州长挑战者伯托 美国国会眾议员希拉积克逊李 艾尔格林 富莱彻州议员吴元之 武修伯 郎勒雷多 华裔市议员谭秋晴 他们分别上台发表政见 希选民投票支持

今午也是我们有史以来在广㘯上聚集眾多政治人物之首次 这也是大休斯敦地区各族裔包括华亚裔 非裔 拉丁裔次大的政治集会

美南新闻自创刊至今逾四十年 我们从未在公共事务中缺席 尤其对於鼓励大家参政投票更是不遗餘力

今天我看见了社区人员洋溢着对参政之极大热情 大家对我们提供之帮忙都表示感谢 我们心中是无比之欣慰 这是我们对社会国家之回馈

在新闻媒体工作这条艰辛之道路上 我常对工作同仁们共勉 这是一项神圣的使命 我们是在书写歷史……..

Politicians Got Together In Front Of Our Compound

 Just past noon last Saturday, nearly one thousand people came to the front lawn of Southern News Group to make a final effort before the midterm election for their candidates. These were voters with high enthusiasm showing their voices and singing out their hearts.


In the afternoon we were with Kenneth Li, Nancy Li and former city councilman Gordon Quan and other community leaders and welcomed Democratic Governor challenger Beto O'Rourke, Congressman Al Green, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, Congresswoman Lizzie Fetcher, State Representative Hubert Vo, State Representative Gene Wu and City Councilwoman Alice Chen -- all of them were on the stage together and made a powerful statement to the voters to get out and vote.


This afternoon marked the first time we had that many politicians come to our compound. Also, thousands of voters from the Asian, Latino and African communities attended to voice their concerns.


Today when we saw their great enthusiasm for participation in politics, we were greatly gratified. This is part of our responsibility and contribution and payback to our great community and country.


We always remind and encourage our colleagues that this is a sacred mission we are on. We are writing history.