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社评1021 民怨沸腾 首相走人

社评1021  民怨沸腾 首相走人


民怨沸腾 首相走人

英国首相特拉斯今午宣佈辞职 由于九月底提交之预算引起金融风暴 被迫在一些竞选承诺中无法兑现 这位才上任的首相被迫下台

本月初在伯明翰举行的保守党大会上 特拉斯仍试图团结党内实力但是她的计划确有巨大之争议而使她在前所未有之速度下瓦解

今年四十七岁的特拉斯於二零一零年进入议会 并於四年后入阁 於二零二壹年出任英国外交大臣 在党魁选举中以些微少数打败了印度裔对手苏纳克

她在上任后提出之迷你预算引起了各大金融市场之震惊英镑应声下跌债券收益率飈升住房利率上涨 加剧了英国人之痛苦

老实说 特拉斯之下台 正说明了欧洲各国面对之艰难挑战 俄乌战争為世界带来之巨大影响 己把欧洲各国経济导至严重之危机 尤其是英国一直是美国之铁桿 对乌克兰之支持更是非常坚定

U.K. Prime Minister Resigns

After just six weeks in office, British Prime Minister Liz Truss resigned and showed just how chaotic British politics has become in recent years.

Truss was the fourth prime minister to resign since the Brexit vote of 2016.

When the British people voted to leave the EU, it changed the course of the county’s foreign economics and trade policies that made this nation poorer and politics less relevant.

When Truss replaced Johnson in September, she promised to kick off the economy with tax cuts for corporations and the rich without reducing public spending. Amid a 10% inflation rate and the war in Ukraine, her plan spooked the financial markets, crashed the pound and sent mortgage rates soaring.

Truss said she will remain as prime minister until a successor is chosen. The election for a new leader will be completed within the next week.