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社评 1024 我们走进莱斯大学校园

社评  1024  我们走进莱斯大学校园



应莱斯大学校董会之邀我们週六上午参加了帝罗斯校长之就职大典 当天艳光高照 天气睛朗 数千位贺客和教职员代表齐集在广塲上為这位新任的校长欢呼鼓掌 这所全球知之高等学府洋溢着欢乐之氛围

校董会主席勒德在大会上為新校长披上校袍 并企望新任校长為这所已经有一百零七年歷史的大学走向更远大之目标

新任校长帝罗斯在就职典礼中為莱斯大学构建了下个五年之发展蓝图 他在感人之演说中 感谢了自己的家人 尤其是他的父母亲 来自贫穷的海地 过多少之辛酸岁月 能够成為世界一流大学之校长 这难道不是美国梦吗

在莱斯大学音乐系之悠掦伴奏声中 来自全美一百五十所大学之代表及数千位教职员之代表 在大会上一致推崇新校长之学术造诣及领导能力 必然使莱斯大学在国际上继续发光

这所成立超过百年之高等学府 已经培养了学生超过六万名学生遍佈在世界各地 目前有在校生九千五百人 但确有三千多位教职员 并且是列為收费最廉的顶尖大学

参加完典礼又用了一顿丰盛之午餐后 我走出莱斯大学绿树成荫的大道上 一阵轻凉之风拂面而来顿时感到舒畅和愉悦 多少人到了美国追寻美国梦 帝罗斯校长你是我们的典范

We Walked Across The Rice University Campus

With an invitation from the Board of Trustees, we attended the Investiture Ceremony of President Reginald DesRoches of Rice University last Saturday morning.

Thousands of school staff and guests gathered to cheer for the new president with so much joy.

Board Chair Robert Ladd said he hoped the new president will lead the one-hundred-and-seven-year-old university to the next bigger goal.

President DesRoches introduced a new blueprint for the next five years for the school. In his touching speech, he thanked his family, especially his parents who came from a poor part of Haiti and still let him come to America, and who have now spent many better years and allowed him to become the president of a world-class university.

With the accompaniment of Rice University music students, representatives came from one hundred universities to praise the new president who will inevitably continue to make Rice shine internationally.

In its almost one hundred and seven years’ history, Rice has trained more than 60,000 students from all over the world. At the present time, the university has 9,500 students with 3,000 faculty members.

After the ceremony, we enjoyed a very nice lunch, and when we walked out from the tree-lined road of the Rice campus, a breeze came to my face. How many people have now come to America to pursue the American Dream? President DesRoches, your success story is our model.