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社评 1104 市长之业绩成就大会

社评 1104   市长之业绩成就大会

我看天下大小事  市长之业绩成就大会


週三中午在休斯敦希尔顿大酒店迎来了近一千五百宾客, 聆听市长今年度之业绩简报, 报告他一年来在市政工作上之成就。


过去二年多来之疫情虽然影响了休市之经济, 但是过去六个月当疫情渐缓时, 各种経済指标立即回昇,并且大部份已回到疫情前之荣景。


特纳市长己経任市长近七年之久, 因任期限制, 他的任期将於明年底届满, 共有二任八年之久, 在其任内曾经遭受严重风灾及疫情, 他都能克服艰难, 勇往直前。


这位出生在休斯敦贫民窟経过多年之奋斗, 并进入哈佛大学得到法学位, 曾经在德州州议会近三十年, 最后终於取得市长宝座 ,成為政坛上之佳话。


治理一个大城市是件千头万绪之繁重工作, 除了要有治理才能之外, 更要有好的体力去应付挑战。


休斯敦近年来有许多居民迁入, 而且是一个多族裔之大城, 比较上说 ,我们是一个充满活力和梦想的地方。

                                                                                               Houston State Of The City                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  A Bridge To The Future


Nearly 1,500 guests and city officials got together at the Hilton Americas-Houston hotel Wednesday to celebrate Houston’s State Of The City 2022 message. Mayor Sylvester Turner gave remarks about his accomplishments over the past few years.


Although the pandemic in the past two years has affected our economy, even after the epidemic slowdown, we have had an immediate recovery and have returned to the pre-epidemic level.


Mayor Turner has been our mayor for nearly seven years. Due to term limitations, his term will expire at the end of next year. During his tenure, we have suffered severe storms and epidemics. He has helped us overcome these difficulties and moved us forward bravely.


Turner was born into a poor family and struggled for many years, and finally got his law degree from Harvard University. He served many years in the Texas House and Senate and finally became the Mayor of Houston.


Today many newcomers have moved to our city. We are the city with the most diverse ethnic groups. We are the city that is full of vitality and dreams.