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社评1108 中期选举决定国家命运之关键时刻

社评1108  中期选举决定国家命运之关键时刻



今天我们大家都投下了非常神圣之一票 即将选出参议院中的三十五席 眾议院全部435 席及三十六个州长 这次期中选举将决定拜登执政前途及川普是否再战二O二四年白宫大位

民主和共和两党近日来进行了殊死之争 希望主导国会為将来铺陈总统之路

今年美国经济表现不佳 通膨创四十年新高 物价飞涨 受到大多数人之不满 许多观察家认為 今天之投票率将会创新高 这是由于选民对目前状况之担忧

今天美国已经成為一个高度两极化的国家 共和党人把经济衰退归咎於拜登之无能 而民主党人担忧其基本人权受到威胁

今天稍后在全国各地陆续开票 这将是一次对民主政治之重大考验 因為川普曾経否认二O0年总统大选之结果而宣称是盗窃所得

今天我们处境十分艰辛 真是内忧外患 希望此次中期选举 能够為国家未来找到答案

The Midterm Election Will Determine Our Future

Today we all cast our ballots for the midterm election. We are about to elect 35 seats in the Senate, all 435 seats in the House of Representatives and 36 governors will also be elected. This midterm election will determine the future of the Biden administration and whether Trump will fight for the White House again.

Both parties, Democrats and Republicans, have recently fought a life and death struggle hoping to take the lead in both the House and the Senate.

The U.S. economy has performed poorly over the last few years with inflation now at a 40-year high, and with soaring prices, most people are deeply dissatisfied with the current situation. Many observers believe that the voter turnout will hit a new high this year due to voters’ concerns about the many challenges facing the nation.

Today we have become a highly polarized country. Representative Blair blames the economic recession on Biden. 

“We are in a very difficult situation today due to incompetence and Democrats worry that their basic rights will be threatened,” he said.

We hope this election will find the answer for the future of our country.