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社评 1111 迎来国际贸易中二十岁生日

社评 1111  迎来国际贸易中二十岁生日


今晚在美国德州休斯敦希尔顿大酒店我们迎来了前交通部长赵小兰 市长特纳三位联邦眾议员二十多位驻德州之各国总领事 以及近六百位政商领袖 我们的心情激动及充满对友人和这片土地感恩之心

多年前我们就如许多来到这片陌生而又遥远的土地 追寻大家的美国梦 而其中就以赵小兰部长刻苦成功之故事 為移民创下了史无前例的典范

二十年来 我们和一批友同创的国际贸易中心為社区及中小企业搭起了一座通往世界之桥樑 验证了我们对社会的些微贡献

二十年后 我们仍然会非常执着而坚定地继续创建新的社区航母 并将结合媒体 文化贸易及金融机构 打造全方位之服务平台

我们再次感谢多年来给予我们支持的各界商家及友人 我们将继续和您同行

20th Anniversary Of The International Trade Center

Tonight at the Hilton Americas-Houston Hotel we welcomed former U.S. Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao, Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner, three of our congressmen, more than twenty consuls general and nearly 600 guests and business leaders to celebrate the twenty-year anniversary of the International Trade Center.

Over the past 20 years we and a group of founders have built this center to bridge small businesses and the world. We are so proud of our record of promoting local businesses to reach the global market.

After twenty years, we will continue our mission to build a new business model and a community battleship to incorporate media, culture, trade and financial services to serve more businesses in the near future.

Once again, we thank all of our friends who have supported our mission for so many years.