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社评1117 川普捲土重来

社评1117  川普捲土重来



週二晚间在前总统川普之海湖庄园挤满了川普之狂热支持者聆听前总统宣佈他将再度参选二零二四年美国总统大选 他说:“两年前我们曾经是一个伟大的国家不久后我们将再次成為一个伟大国家 

两年前在上届大选中川普竞选连任失利但他一直不承认败选指称有作弊之嫌 指拜登窃取了总统宝座 川普狂热支持者在2021年元月六日冲进国会大厦并得到川普之鼓励造成美国歷史非常罕见之暴乱事件

上星期美国举行期中选举 许多支持川普之候选人也在选举中失利

许多共和党人皆认為他不该再次出来竞选 但是他还是执意参选 这将会对共和党之团结造成巨大之伤害

川普任内对华人发表许多诬蔑言论并对中国大陆展开贸易关税战 也曾遭国会弹劾 他是位非常有争议性的政治人物

我们真是处於一个乱的世界 経済不振 战火延烧 自称是世界民主典范的美国连自己后院的民主选举也出问题 真是令人遗憾

Trump Announces His Presidential Candidacy

Former U.S. President Donald Trump has officially announced his candidacy for the 2024 presidential election, but some Republicans said that Trump’s three consecutive losses in the past three major elections showed that he should not represent the Republican party in the 2024 presidential election.

Trump made his announcement at his residence Mar-a-Lago on Tuesday night. He told his supporters that, “We were a great country two years ago, and we’ll be a great country again soon.”

In the last presidential election two years ago, Trump lost his re-election bid, but he never conceded saying that, “…the election was stolen by the Democrats.”

On January 6, 2021, the day when Congress was scheduled to certify the election results, Trump encouraged his supporters to fight desperately in Congress and they went on to create a political riot, a rarity hardly ever seen in American history.

In the midterm election, Trump’s backers have not won as decisively as pre-election estimates had shown.

Some Republicans said Trump lost a lot of seats in the 2018 congressional midterm election and failed to be re-elected as president in 2020. They say he should not get into the race again.

During his tenure, Trump made many slanderous remarks against Chinese Americans and launched a trade war with China. He is a very controversial politician.

We are really in a chaotic world. The economy is very sluggish and the Ukraine war is still ongoing. We very much regret to say that the U.S. as the leader of the free world cannot even manage our own politics.